Main Rulebook pdf


I found a downloadable pdf of the Fate of the Elder Gods main rulebook, and decided to share this eldritch tome with you, my fellow cult leaders. Here it is:

I do hope you’ll find it useful.


And here’s the expansion’s rulebook:


Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t have posted these. There might be some legalities involved. I am essentially giving away part of two of GTG’s product for free. If that is the case, Mods/Admins, please remove this thread. However, I suppose @Rabit did like both posts, which could mean they’re okay . . .

Not really up to us, as we Mods are just community members who help out as volunteers. :slight_smile: That call is up to actual GTG folks.

However, since a person can’t play the game without the components, I don’t think they’ll be worried. I mean, the Sentinels rulebook has been available online for years. :wink:

Yeah, I know the station of Mods, I merely thought that they might be slightly more official than us commoners.

And I agree with your components-needed idea. Many, many tabletop games have had their rulebooks uploaded to the Internet for years. I probably shouldn’t have been worried in the first place. : )

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Always good to ask, of course, but posting on here the official site is definitely the way to go! :grin: Thanks for being conscientious about it! :smiley:

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Yoo thank you!

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