Maximum Attack/Defense

Can the number of permanent attack and def exceed what it says on the cards from bounties and such or is that number your permanent maximum for that stat type?

There is no "max" amount of weaponry or sheilds you can have. Can you elaborate? The values on your ship panel are starting values, not max values.

Let's say I have 9 points in attack because the numbers on the bottom left add up to that. But i get a bounty that adds an attack. Do i get an extra one and now have 10 or am i stuck at 9?

Go to 10! The numbers aren't a max - they're a starting point. You'll go up and down from those values as play goes on, however when the energy granted by a specific card is removed, that card is scrapped, triggering anything that might happen on that card for when it is scrapped, etc.

(Foote: Did I get that wording right? I'm working on it… :blush: )

Rabit is correct! The 1W you got from the bounty will get added to your ship panel (and remember, all energy from techs stay on the techs. This energy goes right to your panel).

There is no max to your total energy.

Ranak Warbeast goes to eleven.