Melee Immunity Wonkiness

So... The Amazing Mable, the TCF Stalwart the TCF (I forgot) are all immune to melee damage, right?  I assume this means to represent that people like Fixer can't just uppercut them or whatever... But Legacy has a card called Flying Smash, where he is smashing something that is in the air, and it does Melee damage. Apparently The Amazing Mable just doesn't care about punches, maybe she dodges 'em or something. Any other thoughts on random rules wonkiness?

Also, a backhand from Legacy is roughly equivalent to a face full of buckshot, I have no clue why the Thorathian Flagships don't care about a superhuman tearing them apart but somehow fall prey to Expat's aim - Which is so good she can shoot down a space ship apparently.

While I understand your thematic claims, the nuances can get lost due to mechanical consistency.  If we wanted to apply this to Fixer and Police Backup, his punch is as powerful as a squadron of cops shooting bullets at a villain (which is kind of awesome, in a way).  However, 1 damage is literally the smallest unit of HP in this game.  I think it's just a matter of changing it up.  Melee characters are often the strongest damage dealers, so it's a barrier the heroes need to overcome, due to the ships being too massive for fists to matter (yes, Legacy should bypass this claim, but again, mechanics) or Mable being so good at acrobatics that she never touches the ground.

It is quite interesting once you start looking at the thematic ramifications of certain mechanical choices this game makes.

I thought the melee immunity was because they are in the air, kind of like flying pokemon being resistant to fighting attacks. Mechanics trumps theme in most cases, but Expat's bullets don't care that Mable's not on the ground in reach of fists. I have no doubt Fixer's fist is as powerful as a bullet. He could probably catch one if the situation called for it.

Was mostly just musing, thought it was a little bit of humor really :D


Cards on the table: I am switching from working nights to working days right now, haven't slept in about 30 hours when I posted that :p

Flying Smash probably should be projectile. Iron Legacy's version (I forget the name) is projectile.