The rules for multi-ship combat are as follows (from the Kickstarter update):
Occasionally, multiple Strike Force ships may engage the same Opposition ship, or a single Strike Force ship may engage multiple Opposition ships. When they do, the ships sum their Weaponry (but not their Defense). For example, if 2W/3D ship and a 2W/5D ship engage a 5W/3D ship, the combined Weaponry of the first two ships (4W) cause the third ship to lose 1 Energy, and the 5W of the third ship causes the first ship to lose 2 Energy, but does no damage to the second ship.
When the two ships engage a third ship, they add their W together, which could overcome an high-defense opponent, so it makes sense to team up, even though the total damage put out by teaming up is no more than if they were fighting alone.
But when one ship attacks many, there seems to be a multiplier effect. In the example from the Kickstarter, it looks like the single ship's W is compared in full to each if the opponent ships. That would mean that if you were facing five opponents, your W would be applied in full 5 times, which is a pretty great deal. Do I understand that correctly?
You understand it perfectly. SOmething to keep in mind though, while it seems gret to have your damage added 5 times, not so great when the Opposition does it. Flagships are, understandably, tough (see The Omega Singularity). In order to kill it, you will probably have to team up against it. This means that each of the Strike Force ships will be getting a full and complete pounding.
Actually, assuming the alone ship has defense, teaming up produces more damage than both individually. By teaming up, it makes one ships weapon unopposed (as the other ship’s weapon has already overcome the defense) or at least allows some damage to go through (as the defense my be higher than both ship’s weapons, which would mean no damage done at all, whereas both ship’s weapons added can overcome). Also, while it seems that a single ship verses multiple would have it’s weapons multiplied, each one is also reduced by the defense of each ship, potentially negating the benefits of said multiplication.
Long story short, teamups work exactly the same both ways. The single ship applies its full W rating to each of the other ships, and the other ships all combine their W against the single ship.
It would be simpler than you think. In each case, you always apply multiple attackers to a single defender. Thus, you actually have two 3 against 1 and two 2 against 1.