Thanks to Carl White for creating this (
This is a thread for my solo play of the Liberation campaign. I'm not going to take round by round notes but just summarize the results.
Here are the teams I'm using:
Team A “Champions of Light”
Legacy, Bunker Engine of War, Tachyon, Nightmist, Tempest
Team B “Rook City Defenders”
Wraith, Ardent Adept, Ra, Mr. Fixer, Young Legacy
Team C “Motley Crew”
Visionary, Expatriette, Haka, Absolute Zero Elemental Wrath, Fanatic
The idea was to put a member of the Freedom 5 on every team, a mystic type on every tieam (counting Fanatic as somewhat mystic), and to balance team abilities fairly well. I don't have 15 heroes so Young Legacy is stepping in as the 15th; similarly, I don't have Ambuscade so Omnitron will be playing his part in "Day of the Hunter."
For simplicity, I'll be playing each team's sequence in order, and then switching to the next team.
Introductory Scenario ("An Omnimous Beginning")
Legacy, Wraith, and Absolute Zero respond to Baron Blade threatening Megalopolis. This turned out to be incredibly easy thanks to a good draw from Legacy that had the Legacy Ring, Lead from the Front, and two Next Evolutions on the table by turn 5 or so. With Legacy immune to projectiles and melee, the Baron's various goon squads and gun platforms never really had a chance. The Baron did manage to pull a Disruption that would have set everyone back or killed them (13 ongoings or equipments in play) had it not occurred during a Close Quarters Battle, so the damage was melee and Legacy just sucked it up and everyone laughed. The Baron flipped the first time from a Flying Smash from Legacy and went down the second time to a combination of Wraith patiently hitting him with Razor Ordinance and Absolute Zero impaling him. None of the heroes were below 15 HP remaining.
An unsurprising but nevertheless excellent victory that will hopefully set the stage for the rest of the campaign.