Paul Parsons stood in front of the mirror in his white-tiled bathroom, his hands gently holding the basin. He knew that this day was coming, when his daughter would mature her own powers to carry on the Legacy line. Perhaps this was how his father had felt? Paul smiled at the thought of his father in this exact scene, marveling over his son's durability. Instead, Paul was staring at his own reflection; a man with blue eyes, a chiseled face and absolutely great, blonde hair.
Today, his young daughter had displayed her own unique power, nearly harming Paul in the process. Two beams of blue-white energy had emitted from Paulina's eyes and narrowly missed Paul while he had been cooking. Both of the Parsons had stared at the charred remains of the bread bin in complete surprise, then laughed nervously. Paulina was going to be the next Legacy!
Paul smiled to himself. He could just imagine his daughter fighting for America to foil the villains and protect Megalopolis. Would he be around to see that day? Or wold Paul fall in battle before Paulina donned the Legacy ring? Only time would tell...
This is a three-part campaign that revolves around Legacy, and the first in a series of campaigns.
1. When you finish the game with the criteria listed, please post your results on this forum (Final hero status). When the date mentioned for the level is reached, I take a look at all the results and try to choose the most often used heroes, villains and/or environments.
2. Legacy MUST be in every game. If he is not in the game, your result does not count towards the final result.
3. This campaign assumes players have Rook City, Infernal Relics, Wrath of the Cosmos, Shattered Timelines and Vengeance, as well as all add-on heroes, villains and environments. Don't worry, the game is still playable without any of these, but you miss a lot of choices.
4. You don't have to have five heroes. You can play with just three.
Level 01
The story of Legacy and Baron Blade has come to another standstill. They are battling once again, although this time Legacy needs help! Baron Blade has developed a "regression" serum that saps Legacy's powers! Legacy must rely on his allies to help him defeat his nemesis, but will it be enough?
Baron Blade is the villain. Legacy cannot deal Baron Blade damage. Any damage Baron Blade deals to Legacy is increased by one.
Hero Pool
The Wraith
Absolute Zero
Unity (AD)
Parse (V)
Environment Pool
Wagner Mars Base
Rook City (RC)
Mobile Defense Platform (V)
Freedom Tower (V)
This level will be finished at 5:00pm on the 28th of May, AEST +11. After that time, I won't take any more results, and I'll start making the next level based on the results. Have fun with this, guys :D