Mystery of the Void Campaign 02 - Tempers Run Hot

This is a three-part campaign that revolves around Absolute Zero.


1. When you finish the game with the criteria listed, please post your results on this forum (Final hero status). When the date mentioned for the level is reached, I take a look at all the results and try to choose the most often used heroes, villains and/or environments.

2. Absolute Zero MUST be in every game. If he is not in the game, your result does not count towards the final result.

3. This campaign assumes players have Rook City, Infernal Relics, Wrath of the Cosmos, Shattered Timelines and Vengeance, as well as all add-on heroes, villains and environments.


Several days after Legacy's proclamation that the heroes needed to band together, the Freedom Tower started seeing more and more heroes come to it's doors. And for some reason it was Ryan's job to give them duties. He couldn't believe it. After everything he, Absolute Zero, had done for the Freedom Five, they still treated him as an associate member.

Level 04

But it was in the lobby, where Ryan had to meet and greet everyone who deemed themselves a hero. Pure idiocy. He wished that something bad would happen just to cut through the monotony of his work. As if his prayers were answered, the front doors exploded in a shower of scrap metal and glass. Four villains had arrived, and Absolute Zero knew them all; Fright Train, Friction, Ermine and Proletariat. With the rest of the Freedom Five gone, Absolute Zero was forced toenter into a new alliance. He looked at the other heroes.
"You three, give me a hand. The rest of you, get the civillians out of here!"


Fright Train, Ermine, Friction and Proletariat are the villains. The Freedom Tower is the environment. The villains must be defeated before the environment deck runs out of cards.

Hero Pool (choose 3)

The Visionary
Chrono-Ranger (ST)
Omnitron-X (ST)
K.N.Y.F.E (V)
The Naturalist (V)
Parse (V)
Sky-Scraper (WotC)
Unity (AD)
The Scholar (AD)
Guise (AD)

This level will be closed on the 9th of July, 2015 at 5pm +11 AEST.

My throw-in

Absolute Zero : 7
Ra: 19
K.N.Y.F.E: 15
Omnitron-X: 9

Most of the damage was a mix of fire and frost from Ab Zero and Ra, and any fire damage that hit multiple targets would also hit Ab Zero for more damage to others. Fright Train and Proletariat went down first, but Ermine kept drawing the right cards at the right time, making her a pain in the butt. The environment deck had 3 cards left :D

Omnitron X - 15

Scholar - 12

Absolute Zero - 10

Guise - 14

AZ got Sub Zero Atmosphere into play the first turn which helped greatly.  The next round he got Cold Snap out and it was quickly assisted by Frost's Cryo Chamber.  Ermine was taken down first with Guise Barbarianing up and finding random objects to deal that final blow.   With all the targets in play Scholar nearly dropped Friction with Grace Under Fire and Cold Snap finished her off.  With his clones out of the way the next round AZ took out Proletariat.  Guise finished it of the next round by finding a random object to incap Fright Train.  Omnitron X dealt with the villain ongoing so that came into play and used his Bio Engineering Beam to deal with any environment cards which weren't wanted.  

Awesome combo, Powerhound. Thought you'd like to have Guise in your team :P

Not sure why you would think I'd choose Guise  :wink:

:P Guise is pretty good. I prefer Absolute Zero though :D

Are we allowed to use promo versions of heroes? I like Unity's promo power much better than her regular one.

Yes, but keep in mind that Unity's promo version is an alternate timeline variant of herself. If she is used in the story at all, I'll be using stock Unity, not the alternate one :D

Absolute Zero was triumphant, with the help of Ra, a professor imbued with god-like power, Omnitron-X, a robot who claimed to be from the future, and some weirdo named Guise, who kept talking to imself like he was in a game. Regardless, the four villains were defeated, and the civillains evacuated by a team led by K.N.Y.F.E and The Scholar.

Ryan was about to cll it a day, when he heard the telltale ringing of a cellphone. Before he could move, Omnitron-X picked up the device from Ermine's unconscious body, and gripped it tight.
"Locating source of call."
Maybe Tin Man was useful after all...
"Located. Source of call is The Block"
The Block? Wasn't that some kind of prison built for the multiverse's worst bad guys imaginable? Absolute Zero gritted his teeth, then walked up to Aminia Twain, the receptionist at the tower.
"Tell Parsons and the Doc that I'm taking a team to the Block. Explin what happened here for me, alright?"
"Yes, Mr. Frost. And the unconsious people?"
"Police, I guess. Just do it"

Level 05

Absolute Zero and his team arrived at the Block to find the prison in total anarchy. An agent of the Villain's alliance had arrived to wreak havoc, release the prisoners and form another small army to attack the heroes!
"My frozen ass, they will."


The Block is the environment. At the start of the game, draw two F.I.L.T.E.R agents and two inmates from the environment deckand put them into play.

Villain Pool (choose 1)

Citizen Dawn
Spite (RC)
Kismet (ST)
Ambuscade (AD)

Hero Pool (choose 2 - 4)

The Visionary
Chrono-Ranger (ST)
Omnitron-X (ST)
K.N.Y.F.E (V)
The Naturalist (V)
Parse (V)
Sky-Scraper (WotC)
Unity (AD)
The Scholar (AD)
Guise (AD)


This level will close 23rd of July 2015, 5pm +11 AEST

Guise - 17

The Naturalist - 24

Chrono Ranger- 23

Absolute Zero - 23

Parse - 12

This was quite the beat down on Kismet.   The environment may have started with two agents and inmates but they weren't much of a factor.   Parse got out a Buffer Overflow the first turn and it stopped Kismet from destroying all of those environment targets which would have resulted in a major blow.   Chrono got his two major bounties making the hits from much bigger for everyone and his slightly bigger.  The Naturalist turned into a crocodile and chewed into Kismet.   Guise smacked Kismet around too and finished her off with his Blantant Reference bulked by his Barbariansim.  

Nice work, but if Kismet was so eaasy, why'd you pick her? :P

Haven't played Kismet in a while.   She can be quite swingy at times.   That Buffer Overflow prevented what would have been her most painful attack and a free card play as the next card had the lucky keyword.  

Fair enough :D

Absolute Zero: 11
Ra: 7
Omnitron-X: 3
K.N.Y.F.E: 5
Unity: 4

Spite was battled here. His first draw was damage reduction, that coupled with his healing factor made him a nuisance early on. Luckily, I could make Ra attack Ab Zero when needed to blow a hole in Spite.