Nemeses Speculation

Well, first of all, there’s his BGG account.

Also because I know Christopher IRL. (Which doesn’t mean that I know my idea is correct, just that I know that Aldred and Paul are one and the same.)

Looking at some of the cards, specifically Tachyon’s flip side, I think her nemesis might be a pair of supervillains, one a wind controller and the other an Ice manipulator. As for Fanatic, a few of her cards show her battling a black winged entity, which I assume is some kind of fallen angel, also in the rulebook they list Infernal as a type of damage, which Im sure he will do. As far as Wraith and Visionary Im not too sure who could be their nemesi, Im thinkin the guy in the Throat Shot card seems to fit the Joker-like motif while maintaining an original concept, the Visionary card Decoy Projection shows her battling an omega-red looking fellow which could possibly be her nemesis or one of her nemesis’ minions. Lastly purely speculating Ra’s nemesis might be Anubis, in the same vein that Thor and Loki are enemies.

That’s a pretty great idea for Tachyon. Thumbs up. And Fanatic’s makes sense. For Wraith, I am now speculating that it will be Plague Rat.

Fanatic’s makes perfect sense as that black winged guy is in 2 cards and in “Smite the Transgressor” they definately look like they really hate each other, looks like a nemesis confontation if I ever saw one. The flavor text on the bottom also seems to fit in a nemesis style too. “I swear on all that is holy, you shall fall.” They also both have swords. And “Chastise” featuring the red demon could be one of his minions.

I am most curious about Ra’s nemesis. Will it be Apep ( the evil snake god of darkness? Or Anubis? (who isn’t evil in Egyptian mythology but is the god if the dead and jackals are cool and since when did comics make sense?) Or maybe a rival archaeologist who has developed and intends to ? Or maybe they’ll go the tack of making Ra’s rival from the Hellenistic pantheon?

No! Not !!! Oh the horror!!!


No! Not !!! Oh the horror!!!


Look out! He’s got a !

Madlibs time!

noun: a gun
verb: shoot Ra

noun: an apple
verb: double-park

Uhm… The ability to grow fingernails at a very fast rate, and… uhm… scratch a person. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to be noticed as a scratch.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you one of the creative minds driving Sentinels of the Multiverse! ;D

Yeah, when I looked at Tachyon’s flip side, I also guessed that her nemesis would be some sort of ice user, probably that one that’s obviously silhouetted in the background. But I didn’t even notice the tornado person in the background. But I think if that tornado person is related to the ice user at all, it’ll probably be Icer’s minion.

I can’t help but notice that in Visionary’s back story here on the site it mentions and evil copy of Visionary existing somewhere within her mind.

I’m not sure if it has already been mentioned, but on Absolute Zero’s “Coolant Blast” there is some sort of lizard like man on it with his fist surrounded in flames. If that is intended to be Absolute Zero’s nemesis I wonder what all he’ll do, maybe even have some kind of immunity/reduction to ice/fire damage?

I’m pretty sure it’s safe to assume that her evil copy is definitely going to come back, and I’m guessing that thing on Visionary’s flip side is that evil copy. Whether it will be her nemesis or not, I don’t know.

And since everyone seems to look at the cards to look for the heroes’ possible nemeses, I took a look at Bunker’s deck and came up with two ideas. First, on his “Flak Cannon” card, there seems to be what I can only describe as a dark-skinned giant wearing a cowcatcher on his head. He seems like a good match against Bunker, considering he’s taking a flak cannon to the shoulder pretty well. Or, also in Bunker’s deck is the “Decommissioned Hardware” card. it shows three of the old Bunker suits, and so maybe some military-related villain might steal those and use one of them (or all of them – squad of Bunker-suited minions led by evil general?).

Haka’s nemesis had better be the Hippoman from Haka’s “Savage Mana”. WE WANT HIPPOMAN.

I know someone already said this, but to say it again: Ra’s nemesis, beyond any doubt in my mind, will be the Anubis on Ra’s “Scorched Earth” card. If that’s not Ra’s nemesis, I will be genuinely shocked.