Nemeses Speculation

Thought it might be fun to guess what type of heroes Omnitron’s and Dawn’s nemesis will be. Based on the symbols I’m guessing some sort of sentient robot for Omnitron, and a gun totting anti-hero for Citizen Dawn. Anybody else got some guesses or further speculation?

Those both sound plausible - I wonder if one/both of their nemeses will be in the first expansion…

I’m most interested in The Wraith’s nemesis - perhaps the thug who killed her boyfriend all those years ago?

That would be pretty cool.

The Wraith’s nemesis, a psychotic Mime. Since she is seems to be inspired by Batman it would be pretty fitting. On the card of Tachyon’s Fleet of Foot, I suspect that it is her nemesis even the flavor text says “Dude, you are not my nemesis.” But it could possibly be a sibling or friend that gained powers and Tachyon doesn’t want to accept the fact she is now a foe. And that’s about as far I have thought about each Hero and their nemesis.

The flavor text for that one is pretty much what it says at face value. The character on the card may be fast, but she’s not good enough to be Tachyon’s nemesis. Basically a diss on that other villain.

Yeah, I kind of guessed that Dawn’s nemesis will be an assassin sort of hero, seeing as the symbol is a crosshair, and Dawn is a political-ish leader. It would seem only fitting.

Dawn’s nemesis is super thrilling to me, both from a backstory and from a rules perspective. :slight_smile:

Does that mean he or she is in the next expansion?? =]

Me too! I’m super excited about the next set of everything to come out! I’m hoping that, when it’s closer to release, we’ll be able to get some cool teaser art or something released because I love that kind of thing.

I was going to post something vague about neither confirming or denying, but you know what? I’m feeling generous.

Citizen Dawn’s nemesis WILL be in the next expansion. Adam, Paul, and I are already very proud of our work on that character.

Enjoy your speculations!

Very proud. I’ll say it’s easily one of my top 3 favorite back stories, and the mechanics are positively riveting.

Personally, I prefer the other hero of the set slightly more. But saying any more than that would be telling. And I prefer torturing people to revealing things.

And yet, I seem nice.

Seeing the crosshairs does give a hint that it will be some kind of marksman. But that could be either a Gunslinger or a Ranger type character, either one I am definately looking forward to seeing. I’ve always liked playing Marksman characters in plenty of games, so I hope the transition carries over pretty well.

Christopher, have you considered changing your signature to this?

Noooooo, not the torture, the anticipation is killing me.

So, I’ve had a revelation. I think that Omnitron’s nemesis will be his creator, brilliant inventor Aldred, owner/founder/CEO of Aldred Industries, who also happens to be Paul. Perhaps in some sort of Iron-Man-esque robosuit.

Interesting. I like it.

Wait, Aldred is the guy who created Omnitron, and he’s Paul? I’m a bit confused… When was this deducted?

Omnitron was created by Aldred Insdustries located in St. Louis, MO per the rule book bio…

I saw that, but how did we decide Aldred was Paul? There’s no picture or anything.