New Characters - Vengeance

So were we anywhere close with our predictions of the new characters? What should we be looking forward to?

The PTs won't reveal any of this info. Vengeance is a little different than the other expansions, because those got slow reveals during the KS. The only hope is to beg GtG for some info.


I will say this! All hero decks in Vengeance are very unique and play differently than any other hero that is currently released. However! They have always been unique, so that really isn't saying much.

I couldn't bring myself to cough up the 40 bucks to become a playtester. Now i'm wishing i did. Do the play test cards have artwork on at least a few?

Character cards only have the artwork. Otherwise it will be a lot of ink, and that's not fun. Having Character Card artwork at least shows us who we're playing, so we can use our wonderful imagination to fill in the rest.

Guessing here, but I think at least once the artwork changed slightly based on text changes that were fixed during PT.

Part of our job is to proof-read the proofs, so we get to see all the art early.

How many playtesters are there? 

Got Shattered Timelines? Open that up and find the Playtester section. That will list all the playtesters for that expansion, it will be the same for Vengeance + however many people joined for GSF.

and this topic should probably be moved :P


Also, we got to see the final prints before they went off to the printer for Shattered, so we'll get to see the cards looking pretty hopefully before vengeance heads off. But as of now, nope just blank cards.



But you do get to see the name of cards. Which gives good flavor of how each deck functions. 

I believe it was also through theme of La Captain's deck that PT's were able to guess where the Samurai from Omnitron's armor was when it was first released in a KS update. ( I believe it was Ronway that wrote it back then, just going by memory)

This is probably posted somewhere, but I Am not sure where. How many heroes and environments will be included in the expansion? We already know a lot about the villians. 

Five heroes, two environments.

Holy moly! 2 expansions worth of hero goodness all at once! The multiverse will make it hard to pick! Here's hoping for an animal hero like beast boy!

Imma pre-order this bad boy Day 1 and not sleep until it's in my greedy little hands.

Does anyone know if Vengeance will include start- and end-of-turn tokens like the ones you could get from the Kickstarter for ST? I've made my own so I'm not desperate but it'd be nice to have official ones.

Also I've come to the conclusion that we need some kind of sponsorship system here for playtesting. You know, like those women who get random men on the internet to pay towards their breast enhancements… Who wants to start by giving me a dollar? :stuck_out_tongue:

They took down the PT option already, sorry.

Yeah, I know. But it was worth it for the joke, right? ;)