New House Rule

The Visionary plays with her deck face up.


EDIT: Is it because people keep forgetting what they put on the top of their deck, I know I have!

matchstick nailed it. I was going to post the same word.

Because? Because she’s The Visionary.

So there’s no real gameplay reason behind it, just “because comics”?

Yes, only for flavor.

New House Rule, Expatriette can only track her HP with bullet casings, if you have no bullet casings then you can’t play as Expatriette.

That actually sounds a bit awesome, though it doesn’t change gameplay much (unless, of course, you have fewer than 29 casings and can’t create a decent currency based counter method).

If anyone needs any, I have plenty. I keep saving them to reload, despite the fact that I know I’m never actually going to do it. I also make more on a fairly regular basis. :stuck_out_tongue:

New House Rule, you can’t play the card Cyro Chamber unless you are actually in a cyro chamber.

New House Rule:

you can’t draw from Ammo Drop unless you get little boxes on parachutes and throw them up into the air whenever a villain card is destroyed.

although those comments are in jest, they do have a bit of truth to them. Now if its more fun for you to play the game like that, then whatever… but your logic is at a serious failing here. And furthermore, playing with deck face up is not purely a cosmetic thing, it is a game advantage, to an already powerful character.

Your thought process seems to be essentially “because Visionary is the psychic character, she gets more information about her deck.” But what you apparently dont realize is that Visionarys ‘being the psychic character’ is already represented by her deck.

It would be like saying, “because Tachyon is the fast character, she gets to take another turn on the Environment turn. Why? Because she’s fast.” or “because Tempest controls the weather, he doesn’t take damage from certain Environment cards. Why? Because he controls the weather.”

I am SO doing this.

taking anything in this thread seriously, besides the ammo drop thing

Honestly. Obvious Joke is obvious.

Actually, I wouldn’t really call her… THAT powerful.

I mean, she’s better than someone like Haka by far, but she’s nowhere near Wraith’s level of badassitude. Especially if you play with modified Rook City Wraith, where she has the option of putting the card back on top of the deck.

I’ve seen you mention this before, but it wasn’t the place to call you out on it. Why do you think Haka sucks so much?

I see what you did there.

Ok, you want to know my problem with Haka?

well, my MAIN problem is that my friend was playing him wrong. He spent the entire game trying to play like Bunker or Tachyon, where he charges that one attack for one massive-damage-fest, when he should really be dealing out damage continually. After I figured that out, I didn’t hate him as much.

The other thing is, his payoff isn’t that great. With Wraith, you get to a point where no one is taking damage, the villain deck is basically at your beck and call, and you can throw out lots of damage to multiple targets as well. With Haka, you can do SOME cool stuff – like stealing all of the thugs and underbosses – but he takes so much work to get there, and even then Haka of Battle isn’t that great of a boost. He doesn’t do much damage; 3 damage to 2 targets tops vs. Wraith’s 3 damage to 3 targets or Ra’s 30 damage to all non-hero targets with Plague Rat and Drawn to the Flame, and you can only ever play one card and use one power each turn, so you can’t prepare quickly like with Wraith’s Impromptu Invention or Bunker’s Upgrayedd Mode.

… so we’re being serious again, I take it?

First off you’re vastly overplaying Ra. Or perhaps you are technically correct, but when the Enhanced Edition comes out Drawn to the Flame will be revised, so you may as well begin playing it as a single attack now. Although I still find Ra to be quite good even without that card so point taken but- anyway, this isn’t about Ra.

Not everyone does the same thing, and not everyone is purely about damage. Although if damage is your game I think a fair case can be made that Haka can belt out a fair amount of it. But Haka’s a tank. He’s got Ta Moko, and the most hp in the game. 8 more max hp than wraith, and unparalleled ability to abosrb damage without tricks. He doesn’t have to rely on things being a specific element for him to absorb damage, he just plays a Haka of shielding and nulls the next 2 damag he would take. He can heal a lot with either Haka of Restoration or more preferably Vitality Surge. He has a lot of card drawing with his Haka of X and Vitality Surge, and Mere, and Dominion, he can frequently have quite a big hand to dump into Haka of Battle for a huge hit. Not as much as some others, granted, but it keeps with the general theme that:

Haka needs very little build-up. He is good right out of the gate. He is good after his stuff gets destroyed, he needs very few cards and he can get them very easily, he has SIX different cards in his deck that let him draw extra cards (Haka of Vitality/Shielding/Battle, Vitality Surge, Mere, Dominion) which I believe is more than any other hero.

His pay off is that he can prevent cards from coming out again; the damage he deals from Savage Mana is secondary to the effect of removing the cards from play entirely, where they cannot do any damage to the heroes. It’s like a damage reduction card and a charge-for-big-shot card all in one.

He takes 1 card to “get there”, how is that hard work?

I’ll give you the damage… but again, I think you’re looking at only part of the card. The 9 “Haka of…” cards give you a possibly useful boost AND card cycling, card cycling is an important ability.

If we’re talking about cards let’s mention Rampage, doesn’t help you get set up but it does deal a shedload of damage (and I’ve no idea where 30 damage comes from with Ra, and against Plague Rat? He has only 1 additional target, all targets is not all that).
And let’s also mention Punish the Weak, which I see as his defining card. With this he’s like a pack of lions, picking off the weakest enemy and then moving on to the next weakest, thinning out the herd. The fact that the heroes get to make the choices means that you could do 4 damage to each target with the Taiaha or 6 damage to everyone with Rampage if you’re lucky! (and only 1 damage to each hero incidentally)

Edit: Ninja’d by only 20 minutes! (Note to self, next time don’t get distracted by looking on wiki to find out how to pronounce Taiaha)

On the subject of which hero we find underpowered, has anyone had trouble with Absolute Zero? I love the guy, but if his equipment gets destroyed, he gets punked like no other. I really like the character, his theme, and what he can do with his deck. However, if I had to say that any character was a bit underpowered, it’d be him considering how reliant he is on his module cards and dealing damage (I’ve had games where he couldn’t deal any damage for two or three turns, and it shut down pretty much any options he had). By no means am I an expert on this game, but my group has consistently had problems with him.