Awesome new site - i assume this is due to soon no longer just having SoTM as your only game.
Will links that linked to the sentinels site before (ie, for the Wiki is my main concern) continue to work for ever or only a limited amount of time?
Awesome new site - i assume this is due to soon no longer just having SoTM as your only game.
Will links that linked to the sentinels site before (ie, for the Wiki is my main concern) continue to work for ever or only a limited amount of time?
First of all,
Congrats on the new site!
But I noticed something. When using CHROME nothing happens when I press on the Rook City, Infernal Relics, or EE parts of the home page. Are they supposed to be links to somewhere?
Logging in at does not seem to log me in at Is this a temporary situation, or is the plan for there to be multiple sites in the future, each with its own log in?
I do not see my previous personal messages on the site. I can still see them on the site. Will they be transferred over?
On the site, the picture of Enhanced Edition is a link back to the site, but the pictures of RC, Infernal Relics, and ShatteredTimelines go either to the store on the new site or the ST Kickstarter page. This seems inconsistent to me. If it's just a temporary situation, no big deal.
Will the 'Multiverse' and 'Comics' sections of the site be moved over to the site, or is the plan to maintain two separate sites? My opinion, fwiw, is that a single site will be easier to use and maintain, though perhaps it will be harder to set up and organize initially.
I have been asked by a user via private message to change their username. To see the private message, I need to use the site. When I click on that user's current username in order to get to that user's profile, I am taken to the new site. If I edit the username for that user on the new site, will it change their username for both the old site and the new site?
Also since this seems to be a mentioning of issues and questions I will also state that signatures are no longer visible. Though you can still see you have one when you go to account settings.
Continue posting issues and questions here! I will get with Joel to get specific answers on technical issues ASAP.
The intention is for your login to be the same and work the same as before - just here instead of the SotM specific site. Since the store and the forum are here now and not hosted on, there won't be a need to login on the SotM site. It will be the host of all of the Sentinels of the Multiverse information, so Gameplay, Multiverse, Comic, etc. will stay there, because those are all SotM stuff. will be just for stuff about the entire company, but the forum and the store will be hosted here, so they can be accessible from any future sites we make . . . more on that in the not too distant future.
Wow. This is funky. I'll need to see if I can track down what's going on here.
For the technically minded, this GreaterThanGames site started out as a perfect duplcate of the SentinelsOfTheMultiverse site. Maybe too perfect, I think. We then modified it to look the way it does and change some of the content around, but the Forums and Store and all user accounts should (I hate that word) be operating as before. Boo!
Please be patient until I can look at this more closely this evening.
Ok, first off, I have disabled all of your accounts on arenson9, I will talk to you directly about the private messages thing. I'm currently testing it now and I suspect that when you sent the message, it somehow got sent to the old site instead of the new. This could simply be an effect of the transition and your browser. To that end...
If you are experiencing weird stuff with your account and/or problems crossing over between the old and new sites do the following:
arenson9, you are an avid user of the site, I am not surprised he has some weird things happen. It was sort of expected, but I was hoping that by doing the switch early in the morning, we'd get around it. :)
I'm moving on to look at Signatures now.
I noticed that on the site map, the two playtesting forums for Infernal Relics and Rook City are listed, but link to broken pages if you aren't logged in or don't have sufficient rights. Those two links might want to be hidden instead to make the site page that much simple to use for non-playtesters.
I would also suggest that each game have it's own General Discussion section. So far we only have 1 game, SotM, but putting discussions about all the games into 1 section doesn't sound too good, especially as more games get added.
It would be good to have a products menu, because example now if I am on the forum pages than I need a few click to go to the SOTM main page.
Not sure if this is were comments are placed.
But the white background makes the site a little too bright for me. Any chance of reconsidering adding a background color??
I've noticed that when quoting a post, not all of the formatting is retained. In particular, newlines and lists are lost.