new site

There is also a new link on the top of the page.

Found it too while pressing home accidentally. Looks interesting.

Kickstarter soon?

I'd think so. If they want to showcase the new game at GenCon and they want to give as much lead time for printing and receiving the game as they did to Shattered Timelines, they'll have to be done with the Kickstarter by the end of March, I'd think.

I have no insider knowledge on this – pure speculation.

There is an error in the forum category description.  It links to, but does so relative to the current domain, thus the browser interprets it as

Fixed! Thanks!

Must have!

So is this what was codenamed Project Tungsten or is that still yet to come?

This certainly was Project Tungsten!

Boom!  (Mind being blown)


Hope I get my ST with Vengeance before this game ships ><

Wondering if this would fit in the Vengeance box.

Having no experience with game development or playtesting, what would one guess for a reasonable amount of time it takes for a game to go from alpha testing to be "complete" in the sense that it is ready to go to print?  Not that I need more >G goodness right now as I eagerly await the Ammo Drop of Shattered Timelines and several expansions on my doorstep in March, but I was curious when to expect to drop some more coin on >G?

I'm not sure how long inbetween things will be. All I know is that GSF will not be released until GenCon of this year. So it seems to be a long process.


That won't happen. Vengeance won't even start playtesting until this is ready to release.


Besides that, it'll have its own box that'll fit all the cards, tokens, ships, and minis.

Yea long shot for international backers who were saving on shipping. Still have to wait for ST then I guess.
Wonder if its possible to combine shipping with the SOTM shipping O.o