New Spam Technique

Thunder and Mud, the spammers were busy while I was gone!

Edit: Good work to the mod(s) who cleaned up that mess! :)

It’s worth noting that this forum (along with the internet as a whole) has been seeing a tremendous uptick in much more convincing AI spam with malicious links embedded. Be very cautious about following any link, especially in posts by recently-joined members. For anyone unaware, the forum has gained a report function since the posts above, which is accessed by clicking the … “show more” icon at the bottom of each post, then clicking on the “privately flag post” icon and selecting the appropriate response (usually “spam”) under the “notify staff” options. The more readers do that when they spot something suspicious the faster the bots will be quashed.

Thankfully the scammers don’t seem to have grasped the concept of making sleeper accounts that sit for months or years and then seem to be organics de-lurking, but it’s just a matter of time before that becomes an issue.


And my Mod permissions have finally been removed, so it’s now all down to Pydro (and GTG folks) to cover it. :grimacing:

Thank you for dealing with all of this for us, @Pydro! :clap:t2: