Looking for clarification or generally accepted interpretation of Nightmists' Oblivion spell. It says to draw two cards and choose one to do damage to each target and the other to do damage to each non- hero target. The way I read this, for one card everybody - heroes and Villians - take damage and then for the other card only Villians take damage.
Does anybody have a different take or a rules clarification?
One clarification: for one card, all targets (heroes, villians, and environment) - take damage and then for the other card only villian and environment targets take damage.
As a piece of generosity to my poor deprived fellow forumites, the rules text for Oblivion is as follows:
Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Nightmist deals each target one of the revealed card's [spell point] infernal damage, then deals each non-hero target the other revealed card's [spell point] infernal damage. Put the revealed cards into your trash.
So no, you can't choose the order. You have to damage yourself and the other heroes before you burn the villains.
Yeah, technically you can target all non-Heroes with the first effect then hit the Heroes with the first effect, then hit the non-Heroes with the second effect.