No advanced rules?

I just realized that there's been no mention of an Advanced set of rules like SotM has.  I know GSF has been built from the ground up with the "H" mechanic (so to speak), so it should scale well no matter how many players are playing, but what about experienced players who want to increase their challenge?  Can they do that?

Koey beat you to it:

I realize that this doesn't answer your question at all, but i do think there should be an official GtG comment and not something from a PT.

There will be an equivalent of Advanced Mode in GSF. It is likely to be called Elite Mode.

Not Neo-Electro-Elite Mode? ;)

I kid, I kid.

I think you mean Paleovoltaic Quantum-Elite Mode :)

Eukaryotic Lithorganic Transcendent Entity Mode. AKA ELiTE mode.


Wait, what? I haven't heard anything about this!

Confirmation of such a rule definitely sounds interesting. :)


Serious question is there a reason you don't keep the jargon between games similar ><

I mean the game introduces so many new concepts already.