I’ve been following this for a while now on BGG and recently got money into my PayPal account.
But you only provide google checkout
Is there any way to get this to Ireland using PayPal ?
I’ve been following this for a while now on BGG and recently got money into my PayPal account.
But you only provide google checkout
Is there any way to get this to Ireland using PayPal ?
Towards the bottom of the store page, it mentions paying via PayPal. Just skip all the “Add to cart” buttons and go straight to “Buy Now” with the shipping option you want.
$20 to ship? Looks like I’m going to need to find a place for retail, or convince one anyway.
That’s for International, JayMann. You can get it for around $9 within the US, if you can’t convince your shop to carry it.
Sadly, international shipping is expensive. We were thrilled that we got it down to just $20! If you really want to use PayPal for domestic orders, then e-mail Paul and he’ll set you up with a link to do so.
As an aside, what do people have against Google Checkout?
Yeah as someone who’s job is largely shipping to various places, I am still sometimes surprised by how expensive international shipping can be.
Example: Just finished shipping a 3lb box to Japan and it cost $118 for the slowest shipping speed.
Thanks Guys
Done and done
I wish I could remember better. It’s not that I wanted to use Paypal, necessarily, but I was put off by something related to the process of getting set up to use Google Checkout. I can’t go back to see what that is, because I’m already past whatever was bothering me.
I remember I was trying to download one of the pdf files before the download section was available. Although it was free, at the time it was only available via Googld Checkout. When I tried to use my gmail account to log into Google Checkout, it said somthing about my account being disabled due to suspicious activity. I later found out that, with the introduction of Google+, Google had been on some cursade about requiring real names to be used. Given that when I signed up for my gmail acount so many years ago I had no intention (nor had they any requirement) for my real name, I supplied an alias handle (I believe I actually used the name “Alias Handle”). I still have no intentions on giving them my real name, as I don;t believe they should require such, thus google services are now blocked to me,
Yeah, they just decided yesterday that the name that most of the people I socialize with on a regular basis (IRL and everything!) isn’t legit for G+. However that ban should only affect your use of G+, not other services like Checkout and Gmail and whatnot. A few people have apparently reported the same issue though, so they do know that it’s a problem and if you reported it I’m sure they’d fix it.
Honestly, I would have already broken my ties with facebook if it weren’t for the name thing on G+ and I am all about google for everything. I have multiple names that people (including my family members!) call me that are not my legal name and in my field of work, my legal name has legal repercussions for my employer, so I need to be careful with it on the intrawebs.
I have not yet used google checkout (I bought my copy using square at the GenCon) - I wonder why they feel the need to link your name to the account (as opposed to your email address). I buy things all the time using credit cards that do not have my legal name on them online and IRL. (For work and for my dad who uses my paypal account/me to do much of his online shopping).
Hi. I havent exactly the same problem as brianon, but I ordered my Sentinels of the multiverse on september 15th and although seeing paypal having transferred the payment, there has been no confirmation of my order in any way since then. I dont know whether it has been dispatched already or not. How can I check that? Is there a contact possibility? It leaves one somehow uneasy seeing your money gone without some confirmation that one’s order has been noticed…
I might have to add that I am living in Germany and certainly do not expect its arrival by now.
I could be wrong, but I think you might try emailing either Paul ( paul at sentinelsofthemultiverse dot com ) or Christopher ( christopher at sentinelsofthemultiverse dot com) about that. They may or may not need your Paypal order number to doublecheck or name and address, so if you email them, you might include those things.
Thank you! Thats exactly what I was looking for