Coming out of a month long silence to say that "Naturalization," the story from the "Real Heroes" thread IS part of a longer series that I have planned (as if 142 pages worth wasn't long enough) BUT I'm in a self-imposed Sentinels quiet period due to the Bar Exam in July.
Right… A "Bar Exam" I think that is just a front! I think you're claiming to not make an appearance as you are taking a break from doing two seperate accents as it was getting difficult to maintain, especially in the hangout where you both were there.
Almost. Really it was that I had to spend three days beating back a singularity that threatened to consume not just this universe but several neighboring ones when we had that critical mass of women. It just isn't worth the risk to reality.
I’ve got a basic plot in mind for three issues following the Motivator plot line, followed by an origin story for Unity called “Heroes are Made”, and a one-off scene of the press conference where Maya Montgomery announces her incredible secret.
I have a pretty taxing day job, so it’s taking me a while, but I’d love to see more fanfiction on AO3 for the Sentinels.