So... I've been looking around the forum, and I noticed in some of the pictures posted, some people have a sort of mat with numbers on it? I also saw that one placed tokens on the mat (tokens that I can only assume represented a Hero/Villain/etc), to keep track of HP?
err, where can I download and print one? :O They just seem like a thoroughly useful accessory, especially to tell at a glance who the highest and lowest HP targets are.
Not to be a bother, but...Spiff? I headed over to your site (which I absolutely love by the way) and you didn't seem to have it there :O
GOSH. Well. I guess it shouldn't be too hard to type out a number mat. I'll try to post here if I ever get around to doing it. Finals are killing me here -____- Thanks lynkfox!
It wasn't my idea, so it's not on my site. I could probably easily put one together, but I didn't want to steal the original guy's thunder. If he/she (don't remember who's it is) wants to contact me (, I'd be happy to host that file on my site and give him/her credit.
I made this one. I can post the file once I find it... it's on a thumb drive somewhere (smafdi, I haven't forgotten to send it, just haven't found it).
The hero tokens are just picture from the SotM site glued onto 3/4" wooden discs.
Since you already have the site with all the goodies, I can send you the files to put on there. Makes sense all the stuff should be in one place. I'll email you.
Great. If you can't find the file, maybe you can just email me the details about how you put it together (sizes, how far apart things are, etc.) and I can put it together from scratch.
And this is what makes the Sentinels fandom (is that the right term? :)) ) so great: we aren't selfish with accessories and help :D WOO. Thanks Spiff and Jagarciao! You guys rock!
Shout out to Spiff, Jagarciao, and PD Magnus for sharing their amazing accessories to us! :D And Spiff, congrats on the new layout of your site! I have to say, it's rather....spiffy. *badumm tss*