I find myself in the unusual position that even though I own every expansion and have played every hero (except Argent Adept) I have played less than 10 games. Now I am trying out the ST Heroes against IR or EE villains and it's awesome. After our 9 or so games, we find the game grinding to a halt while we look up a rule far less, but we still miss a lot of stuff and rewind a few steps from time to time. My two questions:
1) Scholar has a card that says something along the lines of "Each player may draw a card. Each player may play the top card of their deck." Similarly, O-X's base power lets you look at the top card of any deck and then discard it or "put it into play". Just to be certain, I can use either of those abilities to resolve a one-shot, right? I come from a Magic background where "put into play" means something that stays in play.
2) None of O-X's components are limited? I know they have the built in limit of being destroyed when he takes more than 5 damage in a turn, but we played our first game against Apostate tonight and it was just ridiculously easy. I really feel like we must've done something wrong for O-X to have been such a monster. By the end of the game, I had out two Electro-deployment Units, two Innervation Rays, two Focussed Plasma Cannons, a Gaussian Coil Blaster, Ablative Coating, and Bio-Engineering Beam.
On one turn, I played 2 cards, healed 6 HP (2 each for three players), dealt 4 irreducible Fire damage, 3 Lightning damage, and that was before I even started my play phase. On one turn I used one Electro-deployment to play another and the second one to play a third card. Apostate nickel and dimed me the whole game, but never once game close to 5 damage in one turn and I was able to Flechette Apocalypse and I was destroying any environment cards I didn't like with the Bio beam. O-X would've even had the killing blow with Self Sabotage, but the Scholar did 11 two turns previous by discarding his hand and Mr. Fixer finished him off with Overdrive.
Long story short, is O-X meant to be so powerful because all of that joy I was experiencing could've evaporated if I took 5 or more damage? I know I was riding the razor's edge since I had no idea what cards are in Apostates deck, but MAN that felt good.
Incidentally, my cousin played Fixer and Chrono-Ranger and CR is unbelievable. He was dealing out sometimes 5 or 6 damage a turn just with his base power. The two of them definitely did the lion's share of the damage and fun was had by all. (Really just the two of us, but you know what I mean).