[OFFICIAL] Changes from original print run to Enhanced Edition

For the environment decks, it is rather awkward to insert a half card size printout in front of the 1st ed environments, becos the upper half of the card will still show words. I suggest providing the full card length with art for the environment decks for better usability and readability.

Decoy Projection is no longer both an Ongoing and a Target! The fact that it’s a Distortion is interesting. I look forward to seeing how that interacts with everything else!

I’ll miss the 5HP version of The Staff of Ra, but it’s still pretty amazing.

And, as mentioned before, The Wraith’s HP is now 27 instead of 26 isn’t it?

Nope - it’s still 26. Sorry for any misunderstanding!

Ah, my apologies for my confusion! Again, I love the fact that Decoy Projection is now solidly a Target and not an Ongoing card. I’ve been going on about that to my friends for months! Glad to know I was on the same page as >G!

I had time to look at the villains and environments. More errors spotted.

Baron Blade Text Front Gameplay. 2nd paragraph. 2 instances of Baron Blade in italics.

Baron Blade. Text Front says Mobile Defense Platform without quotes. Text Back uses quotes. Consistency needed.

Citizen Dawn Text Back. Gameplay. First two words. Citizen Dawn in italics.

Citizen Dawn Text Back. Advanced. Citizen Dawn in italics.

Primordial Plant Life. River of Lava. Volcanic Eruption. Police Backup. Toxic Seaweed. Oxygen Leak. Need to add the words “This card” in front of “Deal”.

Rooftop Combat. “in a single round” is inconsistent with “in one round” used in Disintegration Ray and Electro-magnetic Railgun. Consistency needed.

Phosphorescent Chamber. Word “all” missing. i.e. Increase all damage dealth by 1. Increase all HP recovery by 1.

Phosphorescent Chamber. Use of both “discard a card” and “discard 1 card” in the same card text. Consistency needed.

Fire in the Biosphere. I find the effects of Fire in the Biosphere and Primordial Plant Life identical. i.e. Each Hero may destroy 1 Ongoing. If they do, take 2 damage; if they don’t, take 4 damage. It will be better to choose 1 or the other and maintain the same phrasing.

Maintenance level. So far, titles of cards were not in quotes with quoted. So “Self-Destruct Sequence” should not be in quotes here.

Self-Destruct Sequence. “When this card comes into play” should be “When this card enters play”. “Discard top card” should be “Discard the top card”.

If you’re wanting them all to say “all” then Villainous Weaponry needs it too. Same for Blade’s Powered Remote Turret, Dawn’s Citizen Dare, and Voss’ First Lieutenant Vyktor. As well as the Advanced section on their character cards, plus some others possibly. I personally find the “all” part unnecessary, just an extra word that doesn’t need to be there.

These are probably meant to be different, as 2 and 2 damage is a lot different than 2 or 4 damage, plus fire in the biosphere is hitting all targets for the first 2 damage. Damage increases affect both of those cards differrently, a +2 increase would make fire in the bioshpere do 4 and 4, primordial plant life would do 4 or 6.

What was I thinking? I didn’t consider buffs and DR. Thanks for pointing that out.

Thanks! So it’s fixed from the beginning.

Congrats on the new site and the uploading of the official changes to original print run file to the downloads section. However, it was disheartening to see that the corrections that I've suggested were not implemented.

Would it be possible to get the environment cards changed to original no artwork format? They won't fit in on top of the current original cards...

Also, would it be possible to get printable versions that maximize paper use? Like on absolute zero's sheet it would have 3 coolant blast replacements and 4 onboard module replacements...rather than just one of each with lots of blank space.

I can take a shot at that.  I'll Photoshop up something that puts as many of the half-cards onto a single sheet as possible.  I can even take a crack at adding a set of the changed Environment card rules that are full-card sized, as requested.

I've put together a .zip file with all of the hero inserts.  That was a lot of copy/pasting and I don't want to continue with villains & environments until I'm sure that it's what we want, so please take a look and let me know if this is what you were looking for.

The image quality isn't what I normally like, but all I have to work with is the PDF that's posted on the site, not the original files.  Please let me know if it's acceptable.


(the link to it is on that page, down in the grid of print-and-play accessories)

it was disheartening to see that the corrections that I've suggested were not implemented.

Just want to make sure you understand the situation, ketigid. The reason your observations were not implemented were because the cards have already been printed; Christopher has documented the changes between the original Core Set and the new Enhanced Set. What you described would have required changes to the Enhanced Set, which isn't an option at this point. :-\

Wanted to make sure you understood it wasn't because you were ignored, just that the changes you suggested weren't applicable to the request. :-(

While it seems most of the corrections ketigid mentioned were for consistency, and we'll see how well that is on the actual cards, there was at least 1 that needed to be noted. On Tempest's incapacitated side it says "Heroes are immune to a damage type of your choice until the start of your next turn.", he was refering to it only saying Heroes and not Hero Targets like other cards got changed to. So if it should be Hero Targets then at the very least it would need to be added to an errata.

Was also wondering if they'll eventually be doing something like this for the Rook City cards that require changes. Mainly the Rook City environment since it mentions the villain character card and only says Heroes instead of Hero Targets in some places. I don't really sleeve my cards much due to limited space, except for a few CCG/TCG decks, but for those that do sleeve their cards, something like this for Rook City would be a big help to them.

This is exactly what I was looking for and it looks great!


Thank you so much!

Great.  So I'll try to get to the villains and environments soon, and will post here when they're ready.

I've updated the file with all of the villain inserts, so heroes and villains are done.  I also put together a single environment page of inserts (full card size, not just the bottom bit), but before I finish the rest of the environments, please let me know that what I've got is the correct size and will work for you.  If it's good, then I'll finish the rest off.

I just noticed that Bunker's turret mode is actually recharge mode.


And one of the divine focuses is actually divine sacrifice.

Oy, sorry for the error.  I've updated the file online.  Thanks for the eagle eyes.