omnitron vs line of sight

Does omnitron's increased elvation count towards blocking line of sight for other targets by being in the way or does it only apply to checking for line of sight to and from omnitron?  I originally thought it was the first, but then I saw it rulled the other way in one of the tournament feeds so I wanted to confirm which rulling was correct.

I believe he changes the elevation he is on, increasing it by 1, allowing him to block line of sight.

Characters do not block line of sight, only elevation can do that.

Further, Omnitron is treated as 1 elevation higher than the hex he is on.

This means the elevation increase for Omnitron being in the hex is for the character only, not the hex, which mean a character moving through a hex Omnitron occupies does not account for Omnitron's increased height for movement cost.

The Elevation of the Hex is not raised, only the Character of Omniron-V.


By rule Omnitron-V cannot block line of sight, even if he is treated as one elevation higher than the hex he is on.

Basically, OV's increased elevation impacts range.

In contrast:

Impaling Structures do raise the level of the hex they are on, and will block LoS.


It is possible that the rules confusion came from that distinction.

phantaskippy is correct.

There is actually one official tournament where this was mis-ruled (by me) in a prelim match because I was tired and not thinking. Omnitron-V's elevation change only affects range-based calculations. It does not affect movement or LOS of other characters.

so does this affect Omnitron's range to attack or the other team's range to attack?



Both. Range is the distance between them, which works equally both ways. Except for Reach, of course. Which is why Tactics Sequence is awesome.