Omnitron-X Plating Cards

I forget the exact card (I don't own the box our group plays with), but the card in question reads something like, "Return all plating cards into your Hand."

Seems straightforward, except the wording allows the card to be interpreted as saying you may search your deck, discard, AND all cards in play for every plating card in Omnitron-X's deck and bring them into your hand immediately. My thinking, and the thinking of others in our group, is that it should probably read, "...all plating cards In Play."

That way it handles like we interpret that it should play: you have to return all other plating cards that are currently in Play aside from that card, but you don't get to break the game in two by accelerating his Deck in a hax manner, which is to say, you perform multiple Search, Retrieve, and Return functions at the same time, without needing to reshuffle your Deck.

The way I've played him is that it's meant to read "In Play", therefore, I can only return cards that are in play before me, not all plating cards in the Discard since I have to Retrieve those, nor the Deck since I have to Draw or Search for them.

You are interpreting it correctly. This wording is on all his platings, and similar worcing is on Mister Fixer's tools.

pwatson1974 is correct

Good to see that it means all plating cards "IN PLAY", but I was looking for a bit of clarity on what "in play" means exactly.


  • Do cards under other cards count as "in play"? For example, if I place Bunker's Maintenance Unit under his Omni-Cannon, and later someone plays a card which says Bunker must destroy and equipment, is he allowed to destroy his Maintenance Unit, or must he destroy Omni-Cannon if he has no other options?

Cards under other cards do not have text, so are just hero cards and not "Equipment" or "Minion" or anything.

So are they still like, blank hero cards, but still in play? So if a card says to destroy a hero card in play, I can choose on of the cards under the Omni-Cannon?

I am fairly sure, they are not in play. However, I don't remember anything that destroys hero cards (except Freedom Tempest's power) rather than ongoing or equipment, so it's not a distinction that matters.

Clarify:  That's only if it says they do, which I believe they all say.  A card with no text is not Equipment or Ongoing or any special category, but it remains a hero card, and a part of the deck it came from.

So if something said to destroy one of your hero cards you could destroy a card under Bunker's Omnicannon.

Oh and I suppose I should point out this one uncommon but rather fun exception. There is an environment card in the Time Cataclysm Deck called "Fixed Point" which declares that all card are indestructible. This covers cards that would be returned to your hand in the manner that swapping out plating does. In the one rare instance that card comes into play, you may lay out multiple plating cards. Mr. Fixer and the Naturalist also love "Fixed Point" as well. :)

Also, note that if a hero has cards under another card (most notable with La Capitan stealing your stuff) and that hero becomes incapped, all their cards are removed from the game (except the character card, which flips…unless you were taken out by the Unforgiving Wasteland, in which case nope, sorry, bye bye), which also entails removing them from beneath that other card (I think La Capitan may be the only example of this, actually). A card below another card is only defined as "a hero card belonging to X" (where X is the hero whose deck the card belongs to), and loses all text and all keywords. This is why Freedom Tempest can get his stuff back from La Capitan by using his base power - those cards she has stolen are still his, thus he can destroy them as his base power only specifies a card must be his, not that it has to be equipment or ongoing or whatever.

Whoops!  Sorry!  destroys hero cards, not just ongoing and equipment.

Gloomweaver's Sable Pin also says "1 of their cards", which I guess could include the aforementioned blank cards.

Same with Miss Information; destroy all of their non-character-card cards in play, or discard their hand.

The downside is that you can't use Buffer Overflow to cancel one of the Ennead.  (Because they're already in play, and just moving around)