La Capitan places cards under her if she or one of her crew members destroys them. Omnitron X has components that get destroyed if he is dealt 5 or more damage in a single turn. If OX takes 5 damage in a turn from La Capitan or her crew, do his components get destroyed by himself and go to his trash, or by LC and go beneath her?
That is a very good question which could probably use an official ruling. I suppose it would apply to Expatriette's Flak Jacket as well.
However, my guess is that the answer is no. The card is technically being destroyed by an effect written on a hero card. Plus, answering yes raises the question of what happens if the 5 damage comes from more than one source.
I'd say no.
Another fun one for La Capitan: Fixed Point is out (Time cataclysm, all cards but this card are indestructible), a non-character hero target (like Unity's bots) is brought to zero HP by a villain card, but not destroyed (because of Fixed Point). Later, Fixed Point goes away and the target is destroyed for being at 0 HP. Does that still count as it being destroyed by a villain card? I said no, but I could see why you would say otherwise.
I'd go with no, the cards are destroyed because of a trigger on the card, not because of anything La Cappo has done.
With Fixed Point leaving play I think that is what causes the destruction, not the damage. If it is the damage that causes it then you set a dangerous precedence, Haka would need to track all damage for (currently) indestructible cards reduced to 0HP for Savage Mana, and with the Matriarch/Cohorts around that could be a long time to track a relatively meaningless number.
Don't cards under La Capitan lose text? I don't have the decks in front of me. If so, O-X's components would not have the text necessary to be destroyed.
You're misreading the question. We're asking about them getting under her in the first place via damage being dealt on the Villain turn.
Yup. Thanks. Sorry 'bout that.
on a side note (not related to the OP) … yes - its been ruled that cards under Savage Mana are still Villain cards, but have no text. So the same should apply to la Capitan - still be Hero Cards, but have no text. (i dont think it will ever come up buuut…)