So, in a turn for a hero I play a card and it is Visionary’s Mental divergence: Power: " Destroy one ongoing card, or retrieve… Immediately upon playing that card do I then follow the card text and use the power say to destroy a Baron ongoing card, and THEN do I still get to use ANOTHER power on a different card that I already have in play during the power phase of Visionary’s turn?
Also, an ongoing card like Mass Levitation that is in play: " Until the start of your next turn, reduce damage dealt by environment cards by 3-- Do I have to USE that power during the power phase of my turn for it to be active, or is that type of card always active( ongoing ) just by virtue of being in play? I have been playing that I have to select that power during my power phase and it doesnt seem right to me. It seems like it should be active at all times.
If it says “Power:” then it can be activated during the Use a Power step in the turn order. If you have a card effect that allows you to use an additional Power that turn you may do so after activating the Mental Divergence.
If a Power has an ongoing like effect then it remains in play and active until the effect has been resolved or the stated time limit has occurred. Mass Levitation ends at the start of your next turn and you would have to activate it again to get the benefit for another turn.
Powers are things you do. You activate them, and can (usually) use 1 power per turn, although there are situations where you could use 2 or 3 powers a turn, maybe even more.
There are ongoing/equipment cards that give passive bonuses however, such as Legacy’s Inspirational Presence, Bunker’s Advanced Armor Plating, or Wraith’s Microtargeting Computer.
Some cards give both a passive bonus, and a power that can be played; the Staff of Ra, or Zero’s Cryo Camber for example. the word “power” denotes something you must activate during your heros power phase.