Oooooh shiny + a question

Wow, this sounds awesome. As a diehard Arkham Horror fanatic, I really like phase-driven gameplay for co-ops, and I'm a sucker for space games. I'm even hosting a sci-fi themed gaming convention in my house instead of a normal birthday party. I cannot wait to get my hands on it. 

One question, although I'm sure nobody's going to be able to answer it yet. It's described as a co-op game, but the scoundrels theme seems to lend itself to a semi-cooperative thing like Legendary. I guess what I want to know is, will it be pure co-op? TBH, I kind of hope so because pure co-ops always seem to click better with me than semi-co-ops, but either way I'm stoked to get to try it.

Anyway, that's enough wild speculation. MORE WOOHOOING. I LOVE TO WOOHOO WOOHOO! *Does a little happy dance*

It is infact pure-cooperative, sure you can screw over your friends if you really wanted to in it. But you could do that in SotM too where you attack your fellow heroes. It's a game where you either all win or all lose. Can't really say too much more or else I may getting a lashing.

Would you tell us more for a scooby snack?

Whee! Awesome! I did not actually expect a response. I heart this community so much.


Any comment on how many cards will there be ? Like how big the game is?

I like that the miniatures are not necessary. Would be interesting if its like FTL in a card game.


The game is in alfa version, so the card count is not fixed, but now its less than the base SOTM.

Maybe this is saying too much, but, it appears to have some qualities of Sentinels of the Multiverse, Seven Wonders, and Ascension, all in one.

My guess is that they are going for the honorable rag tag team of scoundrels rather than the jerkface team of scoundrels vibe - more Capt. Mal/Han Solo than backstabbing. 

If I liked Scooby Snacks I might have been persuaded but alas that is not the case. :stuck_out_tongue:

And now I NEED to see it.

Yeah, that's how I would describe it too. As it stands it's significantly easier to win than in Sentinels, but that will likely change as we progress from Alpha to Beta, and then to final release.