The rules on Kickstarter mention a Setup side for Opposition flagship panels and an Assault side. On the Setup side, there's an action track which is described thusly:
As each action is performed, the Flagship token (or miniature) is advanced along the action track. When the final condition is fulfilled, the token (or miniature) is moved to a sector, and the Opposition Flagship Panel is flipped.
What kinds of actions are we talking about? What's the track look like? Can anyone share any info about this?
I'm pretty sure we shouldn't share actual mechanics (as those may change before going to print), but I'm sure this won't be an issue: The Flagship action track has a sequence of stages with a descriptive text to provide flavor. Each stage has a trigger icon for one of the TRIBA phases (although don't quote me on that, as it might change!) with an associated activity. That activity will do something thematically appropriate (like bringing out more opp ships, boost ships, mess with the Strike Force ships, move things around - just about anything you can imagine the leadership of the opp doing), and then it will probably move the action track along, although in some cases there are conditions checked to determine if it moves it along. At some point, a check is included to see if the flagship finishes up its cycle and comes out to play…
Does that help? (And hopefully I'm not giving away too much with this… )
It almost helps. An example would help more, since things like "sequence of stages" and "associated activities" are just about as vague as possible. ;)
I thought he explained it pretty well, idk how much more he could add sans the actual text. There are multiple steps on the track that are activated at the start of one of the TRIBA phased (as it currently stands). Once you hit the designated phase (each flagship is different) you perform a given action and then likely advanced the flagship on the track waiting for the next activation trigger. The last action, as you might guess, involves bringing the flagship out of deep space.
As Rabit said, nothing's final, and there isn't a safe way to get any more specific than that I'm afraid.
I don't think you mean to say that, of the steps along the track, the first one will be activated in Travel, the second one will be activated in Requisition, etc. so the whole track will be finished by the end of the first round, right? Maybe I just need a picture of one to get my head wrapped around what we're talking about.
After you perform each step, you move the Flagship mini to the next step.
EDIT: I am giving nothing away by the specifics, and nothing should be read into it (I.e. the patterns order, number of steps, etc.). It is only meant as a visual aid to what was discussed.