I was thinking about this the other day. What other superhero teams are out there, beyond the Freedom Five? There HAS to be more than just them, right…?
Oh, I’m sure. Technically we don’t know of any “teams” other than the freedom 5, but there are many references to heroes working together, at least for a ‘comic book’ or two. However, its unclear if this is on any sort of a consistent or permanent basis. Presumeably, the FF are spoken for, and wont just go off joining other teams haphazardly, IE, it would be odd to have them on multiple teams.
Fanatic/Ra: It seems these two team up at least fairly often. Flame Spike alludes to a Ra/Fanatic combo in Baptism by Fire 2, and Undaunted references Baptism by Fire 1. Divine Sacrifice mentions Baptism by Fire 6. This imples they’ve worked together at least 6 times. I think this is your best bet for an second ongoing team, although it seems to be just the pair. The Science and Progress One-Shot had a team of 5 heroes working together, but it seems to be… well… just a one shot, and not an lasting team.
Im working on this list of stuff that we know based solely on flavortext (excludes artwork). This is based 100% off the fake comic series. Some of them are quotes that do not necessarily point to the character in question actually being in the comic, but they are on said characters cards, so its a reasonable assumption. For example, Unload flavortext mentions Freedom Five 536. It doesnt specifically mention Expatriettes name, but its in her deck. Anyway, you can see which heroes are together in the following comic series.
Mystery Comics 145: Mr. Fixer
Mystery Comics 146: Mr Fixer
MC 190: Wraith
MC 206: Tachyon
MC 214: Wraith
MC 368: Fanatic
MC 369: Fanatic
Freedom FOUR Annual 2:, Zero
F4A 7: Zero, Tachyon
Freedom Five Annual 4: Tachyon, Zero
FFA 5: Wraith, Tachyon, Bunker, Zero
FFA 8: Wraith, Legacy
FFA 9: Fanatic
FFA 10: Expatriette
FFA 11: Haka, Tachyon
FFA 15: Mr Fixer, Fanatic
FFA 16: Visionary
FFA 17: Temepst
Freedom Five 91: Tachyon
FF 112: Tachyon
FF 142: Zero
FF 151: Bunker
FF 159: Wraith
FF 201: Zero
FF 209: Wraith, Legacy
FF 271: Tachyon
FF 290: Bunker
FF 299: Wraith
FF 336: Tachyon
FF 386: Wraith
FF 392: Zero
FF 399: Wraith
FF 410: Bunker, Tachyon
FF 412: Bunker
FF 414: Bunker, Wraith
FF 476: tachyon
FF 490: Tachyon
FF 501: Legacy, Bunker
FF 536: Fanatic, Expatriette
FF 540: Wraith
FF 599: Tempest
FF 617: Mr Fixer
FF 618: Tempest
FF 626: Tacyon
Justice Comics 98: Legacy
Justice Comics 130: Mr Fixer
Justice Comics 597: Temepst
Justice Comics 602: Legacy
Justice Comics 634: Mr Fixer, Expatriette
AFL 81: Legacy
AFL 128: Legacy
Americas Finest Legacy 201: Visionary
Rook City Renegates 2: Expatriette, Mr Fixer.
Baptism By Fire 1-6: Fanatic, Ra
Stranger in aStrange Word 1-9: Tempest
Stranger in a Strange World 8: Fanatic, Tempest
Sunrise: Ra, Visionary
Sunrise 4: Wraith
Sunrise 16: Bunker
Moonfall 4: Visionary
Moonfall 5, Tempest
Moonfall 9: Legacy
Absolute Zero: A day in the Life: Zero, Legacy
Science and Progress One-Shot, Tempest, Tachyon, Visionary, Wraith, Zero
Great detective work. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve found once your investigation is complete.
Hmmm… That is a lot of effort put into it. I really like the Baptism By Fire, and it would be really cool if those two do form a duo from time to time. The Rook City Renegades interest me as well. Since it is plural it does imply there are more than one at least, but the question is does it actually revolve around Expatriette and Mr. Fixer or just one of them and the other appears? And who is centered around the Moonfall comic?
Moonfall would be the story of Baron Blade’s Terralunar Impulsion Beam, right?
Ronway: Rook City Renegades; The only mention of this comic is on Expatriette’s “Speed Loading” card. Peace within a warriors mnd can make time stand still is quoted from Mr. Fixer. Presumeably he is talking about Expatriette here, although this is one of those times where it is possible he is in fact, referencing someone else entirely, possibly even himself.
Presumeably, Moonfall centers around Legacy (as a hero) as he attempts to stop Blade from pulling the moon into the earth.
Whoa, Awp is already way ahead on what I was planning on doing! I’ve got two friends who have agreed to go through all of the cards’ art and flavor texts with me some time this summer, hopefully soon. We might be finding a lot of the same things as you, but still, we’ll bring what we find here. Compacted as much as possible, hopefully.
I dunno, Wolverine is on ALL the teams! I don’t see how the man has time for all of them AND brooding about how Jean likes Cyclops better, but he sure seems to manage it.
That’s some dedicated card hunting, dude. Good job!
And the solo mini-series they throw out every year or two, and the appearances in other books, and…
Seriously, it’s really become pretty ridiculous.
Uh… Not that this contributed to the conversation in anyway… 8)
I really couldn't find another place to mention this, but since this seems to be the most investigative thread, I'll just come here with any new info I find in Infernal Relics. Mainly because I've been meaning to read all of the cards, but haven't taken the time yet. However, just now, I took a look Akash'Bhuta's "Living Rockslide" card, and noticed the shillouette.
Can someone back me up on the fact that the person about to be crushed looks like a cowboy? Say... Chrono-Ranger? This must be when he first shows up, since they don't know him. So does this mean Infernal Relics takes place generally before Rook City, Since it seems like the other heroes are fighting with him when he shows up in Plague Rat's deck?
I don't think any expansions specifically take place before another, just some of the characters.
Yeah, while that definitely is Chrono-Ranger, I've always had the impression the quotes, images, and events depicted in the cards were from various points in the continuum. For example, yeah, I think the Living Rockslide's image and quote were Chrono-Ranger's first appearance, but that just means he first showed up while a group of heroes was dealing with Akash'Bhuta - probably one of many times Akash'Bhuta appeared in the comics.
I approach this that the comics actually exist - if only in Christopher's head - and assume the materials used to create the cards were derived from a variety of points in the continuum. Rook City has always existed (just as Metropolis has in the DC universe) as a place in which stories in the comics are set. Some SotM environments are probably less frequently visited (such as the Tomb of Ra), but the majority probably make regular appearances throughout the continuum. Same for villains. The game is taking snapshots through time to represent the comics in a game. To do this, we end up with variants to villains (and heroes) to reflect them at different points in time as they change and evolve, but we can play them from any of those points.
This is one of the (many) reasons I love the game.
Something esle to think on, just because it's the Freedom Five's first encounter with Chrono-Ranger doesn't mean it's his first encounter with them!
Rabit's interpretation of the Multiverse is pretty much spot on. We have plans for EVERYTHING. Given infinite time, we could write hundreds of comics about all of this stuff.
Anyone have some infinite time to spare?
Oh God, Match, you think we could be getting over into some Doctor Who/River Song territory when it comes to time travel?
And the whole multiple appearances thing makes sense. I've just been thinking of this as a linear story. I need to remember that these are comics. So while there are linear events, there's always a "I'll get you next time, heroes!" and then we have repeat villains. But I'm more focused on finding those linear events. Such as...
I made a mention a while back as to why Baron Blade seemed so nonchalant when he was standing right next to Unity's Platform Bot. But what I failed to notice until recently was that he had no scar in that picture. So was there a time before he was evil, and then something happened, turning him evil as represented by the scar? A falling out with the heroes?
There's something of an answer (or just more frustrating questions) in a new environment art...
Hm... "Positive Energy Field"? No scar there either. I guess that's the fight where he got it? And yeah, that only gives me two more questions: Why are they there, and where did Blade get that funky costume? I guess this is all before he went completely crazy and became bent on world destruction.
Or Positive Energy Field healed the scar…
Wait, that makes more sense. I didn't notice, but part of the scar is still there. So it's receding? His eye is even back to normal. So the Realm of Discord arc might take place after Moonfall and his Mad Bomber plotline.
Wait, someone grab their copy of Nightmist's "Mists of Time". We can see some of the other timelines we already know about, but look at the second one from the right. That thing holding earth in its hand. Literally crushing it. What do we make of that? Final boss of SotM, maybe?