Damn you Cosmic Omnitron. Tempest, Expatriette and Argent Adept vs Omnitron in Insula Primalis. Started out well. Blasted Sedative Flechettes laid waste to our setups and it was all downhill from there. Managed to get most of our cards back out and even took out two of the bomb cards before they killed us. Then another flechettes card... Expatriette was the first to expire. Then it was adios Argent. Next round Tempest was taken. Omnitron still had 26 hp. I imagine if Omnitron could laugh (can he?) it would sound like that annoying analog screaching you hear when you accidentaly call a fax line.
Sedative Flechettes is one of those cards that, when it comes around, everyone at the table just weeps bitter tears.
Devastating Aurora does much the same thing to us, as does Technological Singularity.
At least Apostate has the decency to give you a go-round before ushering in the Apocalypse!
For whatever reason Cosmic Omintron is still the one villain I have not managed to beat. I'm 0 for 6 against him so far. I'm not sure what makes him so much more difficult than his standard version, but he's beaten me down every time.
I think it's the fact you either need to deal 6 or less damage a round to keep him on the side that just doesn't punish you for being alive.... that's what I think at least.
Have I said this yet? I rank Cosmic Omnitron up with The Chairman and The Matriarch amongst the hardest villains to defeat.
he ranks up there in the statistics too. He's vicious, even though he only has a small playset of data points at the moment, but he's still in the 50% loss range
I think we might see some cheeseing of Comitron once shattered timelines starts hitting peoples collections. >.> I know that's one game I want to play for sure.