So i picked this up earlier this week and was quite excited to get it to the table last night. We played a couple other games and went and saw Skyfall at some point, but it was a pretty big hit. Just wanted to mention our general experience and ask, how the hell do you beat Citizen Dawn?
None of us had played before (except I tried out a couple turns in practice to learn the rules) so we all jsut picked charecters based on appearance and maybe a look at their backstories.
So first match we did Baron Blade vs. Haka, Wrath, Fanatic, Legacy, and Visionary
This was a joke. We flipped him over by I beleive the third turn. This was helped by Wrath drawing 2 of that broken Impromptu Invention card in the first 3 turns and legacy just pumping everyones damage every turn. We destroyed him shortly afterwards. i think he did maybe 15 damage to the group total.
Second match, everyoen was complaining about the easyness of the game, so i went and grabbed the villian who most interested me thematically: the Ennead. For theme we played in the Anubis tomb. Ennead vs. ExPatriette, Ra, Bunker, and Argent Adept.
Early on we got worried when one card flip triggered like 3 powers. First guy we killed was Osiris, and after flipping him realised he was goign to destroy anything remotely dangerous from the enviorment automatically. Anubis himself was killed by it that round. Ended up not having any real problems, only one more enemy got added by the time we won, with everyone at around 10-12 HP. Argent Adept was doing like 20 things a round, but the player had a few drinks in him at this point so I've no idea if he was being played correctly.
Third Match, after anouther fairly easy win I decided to grab Citizen Dawn, one who I had seen in looking up info on the game before purchasing as being a particular buster of balls. Dawn vs. Mr. Fixer, Tachyon, Absolute Zero, Ardent Adept in Rook City
3 starting citizens, Summer, Assault, and Battery. First enemy turn Dawn does 2 damage, summer does 6, assault does 8, and battery does 5. 21 damage before the players even get a turn, that was more than Baron von Teapot did the entire game. We were just happy the drawn card was healing light or whatever. Tachyon apparently cant do much for a while, so she starts drawing and disarding. Fixit Felix takes out a few citizens with a tire iron or something, and the other two start building up cards so they can do... anything.
After like 3 turns magic light shows up and stomps all over Zero and Adept destroying everything. This happens again 2 turns later. Eventually Dawn goes Dark Pheonix mode or whatever. I think 20 damage had been done to her total at this point. An enviorment card that gives an extra villain card pops up, and an ongoign that gives more villain cards from her deck pops too. 4 villian card draws.
After about 2 turns we were inundated by I think 7 citizens, one of whom made them all immortal, and no ability to deal damage on the hero side as the light spell kept getting reshuffled and showing up destroying everything. Game ended with her at 71, a horde of citizens, and all of us left scratching our heads.
It will definitely be interesting to see when this one hits the table again. Everyone but myself was pretty frustrated with the last entirely futile game, though that may have been in part because it was quite late at that point. Tachyon in partcular went and riffled through her entire deck afterwards trying to figure out what the charetcer could actually possibly do and realised that there were a small number of great cards that they just never actually drew.
Haveto say, I greatly enjoyed the game. Once everyones recuperated next week i'll see what other\ opinions are.