Will these be buyable down the line? or is overpaying on ebay the only option?
thanks for your time
Will these be buyable down the line? or is overpaying on ebay the only option?
thanks for your time
The oversize villain cards (as well as, seperately, the pack of the latest kickstarter promo cards – alt Ra, alt Fanatic, alt Omnitron, alt Blade) were for sale at PAX. My guess is that they will continue to be for sale at future cons (PAX East, Essen, Origins, GenCon, PAX Oz, etc.) and possibly from the >G website, as long as supplies last.
We plan to sell them for $9.95 on our website (which was the price we charged at Gen Con and PAX) if we have supplies left after sending out all the Kickstarter rewards.
thanks. man I hope I can get them!
Is there such a thing as card sleeves the right size for the giant cards? I'm not sleeving the whole game, but want to sleeve things that I won't be able to just replace easily (promos and oversize cards)
There is a contradiction in this statement. You must surely have supplies after sending out all the KS rewards. If you do not have supplies left, that means you have either sold at conventions exactly the number of excess you have printed less the KS rewards (probable but unlikely), or you did not print enough to fulfill the KS rewards.
Not necessarily, ketigid. There is the possibility that they'd have too few remaining to consider it worth putting online, but they could still sell them at conventions. For instance, if, after sending out all the Kickstarter rewards, they have 25 left, that's not really enough to make a page on the store for them. But it's certainly enough to bring with them to Gencon and sell to 25 new players.
Valid interpretation as well. Although, to me, even 25 (or less) is worth setting up for online store for the benefit of all gamers (convention go-ers or not, international customers as well).
The only way we won't put them on the website is if we have fewer than 10 of them left. Which isn't likely. I am fairly certain that I'll be putting them on the store late next week. Worry not.
I'm assuming there's also no immediate danger of the store running out of Ambuscade and Unity? A friend of mine is getting the game, and I wanted to get her both of them as a Christmas gift.
There is not currently, though I suppose there could always be a huge rush on our store. But we don't sell those to distributors, so we are less likely to have hundreds purchased all at once, which makes that stock depletion rate more predictable.
Excellent. Thanks, Paul. I'll order them when I can then.
The villain oversized cards are now available for purchase on our website!
Do you guys have any intention of creating oversized villain cards for any future expansions? I can't imagine playing a game of SotM without them!
We definitely plan to do that if at all possible. We love them too!