I rather enjoy painting miniatures, and wanted to give the ship miniatures some color. I'm diverting from the ship/character cards, but I'm trying to keep a feel for each of the races, captains, and playstyles of the ships.
First up: The Vigilance!
I wanted to show how the Vigilance is the kind of ship that can fly through a massive firefight and make it out alive. She may get a few holes in the process, but she'll make it to port. Any enemy that thinks she is wounded prey is going to get a rough surprise!
I wanted to give the Folly a bit of glamour. This is Marot on a winning streak, with money to spend. But every lucky streak ends, and someday it will be time to run....
Very nice. Vigilance, now with BattleDamage (tm). :)
I started my painting with the two dwarf ships, figuring they'd be the easiest since they're basically monochromatic. However, I couldn't bring myself to just leave them a single color like that, so I'm experimenting with ways to give them a little more zazz. The Bjarlspire is looking good (the blue glowing spot on top came out well), but I'm having a devil of a time making the other one look interesting since it's basically just a gray polygon. Still working through options.
I wanted the dwarven ships to look distinctive, and very, very metallic. I use a lot of acryllics, and gave the drive torches on the top and bottom some substance by mixing in a heavy gel medium.