Hello every-body! The name is Phantom5613, but since you seem like a good kid you can call me Phantom. I'm a new-comer to the SotM Forums, but I've been playing the game for quite some time now. And I've been loving every minute of gameplay(aside from today, when Miss information wiped the floor of the FV HQ with AZ's face, but I swear that the only reason that happened was because the sun was in my eyes! ...And that a T-Rex was eating the rest of him at the time... -.-6 ).
I'm not sure if I'm stepping on anybody's toes or posting a topic that is already on a more popular thread, but I'd like to speculate a bit about the as-of-the-typing-of-this-post unknown(to me) heroes of the future 'Vengeance' expansion in the future. If there IS such a thread out there, then I will gladly shut my trap and go visit it. But, since I haven't seen one in the admitedly short time I've been here I will say my piece here for now.
As far as we know right now there are five brand spanking new heroes planned for, as I'll call it until you guys come up with a better idea, 'Veng'. Now we haven't gotten any info on these mysterious do-gooders, but I have a few theories...On three of them at least.
The first, which I'm the most confident about, I'll nick-name Schrödinger. This guy may be familiar to you, especially if you've played against Kismet or paid attention to the art on Expatriette's Shock Rounds. He's a shaggy hiared guy dressed in a black and yellow spandex suit with a white box chest symbol(Familiar? Here's a hint: Kismet's Nemesis Symbol...) and wears a TMNT style bandana mask. From what I've seen of this guy he has some crappy luck. Not only is he getting his fanny kicked on a few of Kismet's cards, but he's also getting zapped by a (supposed) ally's attack. Now, all that could just be a result of the poor guy being the Trickster's sworn ememy, but I'd like to think that he's just naturally unlucky. None of his powers seem to be too apparent on any of the cards we've seen so far, so I don't really know anything else about him.
I'll leave it at that for now. I still need to brew over the other theories of mine...
My next theory comes from yet more card artwork. Specifically "Projected Paralysis" from the Dreamer's deck. Warrning, this is just a theory from a guy with too much free time on his hands...
On this card we see the Dreamer restricting a gigantic woman merely with the power of her mind. Now this is really cool, but after looking at her for a moment, something hit me(which was probably obvious to most of you, but I digress). This person has an amazing likeness to another character. Namely the self-made conqueror of the Multiverse, Grand Warlord Voss. Or at the very least she's a Thorathian. The reddish skin, the bony spikes coming from her back and elbows, the glowing eyes...
This just got my brain thinking "Okay, this is a Thorathian. But why is she here? Why would she be 'fighting' against the Dreamer?" The alure of even more powerful psychic abbilities that he could control and replicate could be a large draw for someone like Voss, but to me that just doesn't seem his style to send just one person after the Dreamer. She's incredibly powerful and would most-likely take down all but the best of troops, and I think Voss is smart enough to even then not send just one. This leads me to believe that she's a heroine.
Now this is just pure speculation on my part but I think that there's a small, teeny-tiny, just about feasable chance that this girl could be the estranged daughter of Voss, or at least related to him. She resembles him more than to the other Thorathians that we've seen(Field Lieutenant Tamar and First Lieutenant Vyktor from Voss' deck and Vicious Cyclone from Temest's, though granted that one seems to also be Vyktor.) with their bluish skin. She seems to have powers not natural to her species which we've only really seen on Voss. Granted we havent's seen Voss grow to giant level heights, but I'm talking about the sheer presence of powers.
Or I could be reading into it too much. There's bound to be at least a few Thorathians who didn't whole-heartedly agree with Voss systematically taking over their planet, even if he was a noble.
Look at the icon, I had this thought that it would be cool if Miss Information's nemesis was named "Bracket".
I also thought, given how Miss Information works on her first side, it might be interesting to experiment with the idea of a hero that didn't have hp, and wasn't a target... but if all the other heroes were incapacitated, the heroes as a group would still lose the game. A hacker/watchtower type who works from afar supporting the heroes indirectly but can't act against the villain directly themselves.
I don't think either of those are likely, mind you, just how I'd do it if I were designing things and wanted to experiment with the format a little.
I am a huge fan of wild and random speculation as most people around here have figured out already.
Your initial thoughts on Twitchy are extreamly consistant with popular speculation theory at the moment. Themes about being unlucky or being based on "Fixed Outcomes" all see to be valid guesses at this point.
Giganta (my own nickname for now) as a Thorathian? I don't have my cards in front of me, but you might be on to something. Those horn things are extreamly similar to what we see on Voss. A hero Thorathian would be very interesting, but I guess I would be a little weird having a Thorathian hero thats not Voss's nemisis. Bouncing off of that thought, she could possibly share Tempests icon (highly doubful though). OR, a more likely possibility, we will see another version of Voss (like bomber blade or cosmitron). She as a Hero we probably wont see till our "Cosmic" expansion though and not Vengance. There is rather large and powerful unknown force out there thats been strongly hinted at. I would think that if she does turn out to be Thorathian (or anything non-human for that matter), that she would make more sense coming out with that expansion theme.
Check out my speculation post about Mainstay, another Hero that we anticipate to be released with Vengence. Would love to see some more thoughts on him (though we do have little information to work off of). I think he is the guy with the chains that Iron Legacy is kidney punching and Nemisis to La Capitain.
Another Hero that most of us are expecting to see is the 5th member of the Prime Wardens. No solid clues as to what his name could be yet (at least not that I know of), but he can be seen on Argent Adepts Silver Shadow card which portrays all 5 members of the team. He is the one in the Red/Yellow suit and a kinda Atomic symbol on his chest.
Yes, I saw that when Mr. ketigid was so kind as to linkk me to the current speculation thread about him. My thoughts on him that I didn't have a chance to type here are actually on that thread, even if they are tiny.
Sigh Yes, I think you might have a point there. Thora(My nickname for her, since I doubt they would use 'Gigantess' since DC has a copyright on that name…) would most likely come out with a cosmic expansion, but a man can dream, can't he? A man can dream…
Something I would still like to speculate about though is her powers. Obviously Size alteration has something to do with her abbilities, but maybe she has more tricks, but in the same vein of Body Ateration. I think the right deck mecanic could make her very interesting to play.
Hmm. Mainstay, huh? Well, from what I can make out of this…
I can see the connection with the chains that you've shown, but that seems to really be the only solid one. But if… Takes another look at the card Iron-Fist Strike Looking at the background of the card, I've been wondering if "mainstay" and IL are fighting in the Time Cataclysm? That could mean that he has the abbility to go about the time-stream like La C. But honestly that could just be how I interpret it, it could just be a visual effect of IL punching him in the gut. There is also the fact that IL doesn't only fight heroes but also villians. This guy could just be some poor sap that was in the wrong place at the wrong time…
I'd still like to see your original thoughts on this guy. Mind providing a link to the thread?
Yes, I heard the theory about this guy, and my third main theory was going to be about him. But I unfortunately don't have Infernal Relics as of yet, and I didn't feel comfortable speculating when I didn't even have card artwork to run off of… I think it's quite possible that he's the as of yet unseen fifth member of the PWs though. If someone could post an image of AA's Silver Shadow card that this guy is on, I'd be forever greatful to you.
Personally I think Ambuscade could appear as a hero; largely because of Marsquake, but also because certain villains would make much better prey than Haka. I can see him as someone who fights hero or villain, depending on who looks tougher at the time, hence being both a hero and a villain. To be honest, I don't see this as likely.
Another thing is that Christopher mentioned at one point (a point I should track down and wiki...) that "five new heroes" is not entirely correct. One idea floated about this is a hero deck made up of more than one person, or specifically that La Capitan's nemesis could be four people; her icon seems to be four things, after all. The Ambuscade idea gets rid of the 'new' and the 'heroes', while another idea that I've seen gets rid of the 'new' only: namely, that Young Legacy is going to get her own deck.
Ah I remember Chris saying something like that too at some point.
The La Capitan Nemisis being multiple people is probably the correct guess in there. In my Mainstay speculation thread, I mentioned the possibility that he is a refuge of her crew. It would no surprise me if Mainstay is the leader of a small crew that was either directly a part of Capitans crew or possibly a smaller raiding party with a bone to pick. That would rather nicely explain her Nemisis Icon and why it is so fragmented.
I do not see Young Legacy getting her own deck, nor do I see them doing the "previously released villain turned hero" thing again. OmiX fit that troupe well enough, and EoW Bunker is an unreleased villain becoming a hero.
Well, this seems to cover all my wild speculations as well.
Looking back at my thread on future villains reminded me that F.I.L.T.E.R. is still a possible villian, so we'd need a hero against him, possibly mister red and gold. We also have a giant stone statue, pictured well on Visionary's Precognotion card, who we'll need a nemesis for, maybe the giant thorian since the statue shows someone similiar to a thorian?
The reason I mention some possible villains is that there has been at least some mechanical or thematic connection between the heroes and villains, if we can make good guesses as to new villians we might realize there has to be some heroes not even hinted at yet... or maybe I'm crazy, either way
Okay, let's break down La Capitan's Nemesis symbol.
Starting counter-clockwise, we begin with a blacksort of gaseous form. That doesn't ring any bells for me at this moment, but maybe it will for someone more observant than me.
Next is a bit of a(steel?) chain. Relatable to Foote's theory of 'Mainstay'.
Next, on the lower left portion is a burst of light. Again, I have no idea what it could represent right now...
And finally we have some sort of green rings, or a 'wave' of sorts. It reminds me a bit of the Visionary's symbol, but just a different color.
With our current line of thought and breaking down the Nemesis symbol, It could indeed represent four people in one deck.
I don't see undeniable proof that F.I.L.T.E.R. is evil as of yet. Yes they tried to capture Tempest and other such shady things, but if you think of S.H.I.E.L.D. from Marvel, they would probably do the same. They may just do what has to be done, even if the heroes don't like it. Tempest was an as of yet unknown entity that could have been hostile to the planet as far as they knew. And as the saying goes, "Better safe than sorry."
I don't know… They do have a prison that exists outside time. OUTSIDE TIME! That means every villian that will be captured is in there, as there will be a time when all of the villians will be captured. That's bordering on Time Lord Shenanigans.
But on a a diffrent note, Have you noticed that the bearded guy on "Silver Shadow" and they bearded guy what got punched in Iron Fist Strike look very similar? They even have the same color mask on! Do you think they could be the same person. Like he has two forms; the magic wielding smart form, and the biker-chain-I-want-to-get-scrappy bruiser form? Just a thought…
Did you ever hear of the Big House from the recent Avengers cartoon? It's a prision designed by Hank Pym, a.k.a. Ant-Man, for S.H.I.E.L.D. that shrunk villiains down toALMOST MICROSCOPIC SIZE. And not to mention their other one, Prision 42(Is that right? I can't remember.), that was kept in a pocket universe. Holding villains outside of time sounds VERY S.H.I.E.L.D. like to me…
Hmm…Wait. You just hit onto something. 'Mainstay' may not be four people, but one persion with four different super-identities!
Think about it, as far as we can tell so far the chain-weilder 'Mainstay' is the Nemesis of La Capitan, and that symbol has four distinct things on it. Now look at the second side of LaC, 'Split Across Time'. She apparently has four very different forms. If we're going off the idea that 'Mainstay' was part of her crew or traveled like her, then he just might have four alternate forms as well!
Could someone please link a picture of 'Silver Shadow' so I can see it? I don't have Infernal Relics.
My gods, that's interesting. So Red&Gold and Chains are the same guy... I'd say they could be a team with matching masks, but then I guess they'd all be on Silver Shadow. So, we still have green circles and smoke... Could the green circles be sound waves, perhaps, or radio waves?