Playing online

I was recently thinking for those of us who have very few friends that make it where it seems more solo games are played or with one other person, that maybe via AIM, MSN, or YIM a group of people could get together and play online. The only issue is that maybe someone would decide to cheat and have all the character’s best cards and combos early on. Of course if they are a true gamer then their pride should prevent that from ever occuring. The way I see it working is that one person will play their character and also take care of the villian’s and environment’s deck and will relay what the villian is doing, preferably someone with a webcam so that way there is also a visual as to what is going on as well. Then of course three others will be playing their chosen hero (or more players if more wanted to play). Microphones would also be a plus just because it makes things a wee bit easier than typing out all your action and speeding up the game’s pace.

I for one am someone who probably can arrange meetings with friends every other week and the only person at home I can play with is my wife. We’ll also need to decide want IM to use, I for one don’t have a prefence seeing as I don’t have any downloaded at the moment so what ever most people use will be the one I go ahead and get. So who all is with me on this idea?

Skype would probably be a good option for doing something like that. You can do video conferencing for free on it.

I forgot about skype, but doesn’t it have a subscription fee or some other kind of fee to use features for it?

Not at all! Skype is totally free to use (unless you want to be able to call cell phones or land lines with your skype account, in which case there is a small fee).

Also, an electronic version of the game is something we might consider pursuing in the future if there were interest.

Skype or Google hangouts are both completely viable ways to play long-distance - having done so myself. .We’ve actually been talking about streaming online play for the ExtraLife charity event this year. Here’s the link to our page, and we’ll be sure to keep you updated.

Nice to know you have already planned on making online play a reality, hope to see it come true.

Nice to know you have already planned on making online play a reality, hope to see it come true.

Me too. I love my friends and all, but sometimes you want to play with other people, too, you know? I also like the idea of any game doing my math for me, since I’m arithmetic impaired :stuck_out_tongue:

Google + has a great group video chat. I’ve also used a combo of Ventrilo and Map tools which would probably not work as well as a video chat due to the cards but still an option.

I think Skype group video chat requires that someone have a paid account.

I think it does, unfortunately; 2 people can video chat with the free account, but it takes a paid account to have more than 2 in the video chat :frowning:

So only one person has to have a paid account in order to have a group in skype? Anyone here have skype paid for?

Alternatively, using Google+ for a hangout is free group video for everyone.

A problem I just realized with this is situations in which cards are played on or placed under cards from other decks. For example, if one person were playing Haka but they weren’t the one running the villain, both players would have to keep track of cards under Savage Mana.

This is true, but could be solved by using counters. Online play through video chat is not an exact science yet, but we do plan to try and make it easier.

Maybe for now who ever decides to play Haka will also be incontrol of the Villian also. Just hopefully as long as they have the webcam of course. I don’t have one at the moment, but the moment everyone wants to start getting signed up and getting into actual online play and it carries on for awhile, I wouldn’t mind getting a webcam.

Yeah, I’d be down for an online play. Though would it just be audio chat, or is there something that allows you to have a split-screen conference with multiple people’s webcam feeds onscreen? As possible as it is to play with only audio, I’d still prefer to play with people I can see, assuming everyone would have a webcam.

We’ve been trying to think of a solution. Skype requires someone to have a paid subscription, and Google + isn’t quite up and ready yet. And IMs don’t have access to group video if I am not mistaken. So hopefully it can get something sorted out eventually.

Can you do multiple skype windows at the same time?

Well, if that was possible, we’d still have to use someone’s paid account for a conference call. Does Google + actually have multiple video conferencing? Even if it’s not ready, we can wait for a while and just use audio if need be.

As noted in another topic, I just played via Skype with my sister, her 11-year-old son, and another 11-year-old boy.

Skype worked pretty well. I was on one side and the other three were on the other. I used my own copies of the cards so that I could more easily read card descriptions, but let them keep track of all of the hit points except for my hero.

The game ended up taking nearly three hours to play! Part of that was distractions on their end (dealing with a couple younger children, having to take a phone call). Part of that was dealing with me hunting through decks to find cards. Part of that was the normal slowness in learning a game. It will be interesting to see how long the game takes next time. We’re going to try again next Sun.