Playing via Forum?

Now, how come with all of us enjoying this great game we have not started playing via this forum?

I’m guessing the best way to do this would be one person handling all the card decks and pm the players with their hands and such. Also probably handling the environment/villain play as well.

And to not work around any issues with people playing without actually owning the game the person sending the cards out would only list their names and not text.

I could probably work on a spreadsheet to handle that end if people would be interested in playing?

I think if we were to do that, I would personally would prefer being incontrol of my deck, just so I actaully can visibly see my cards without having to have the deck sitting out and digging through it to have the cards I should have.

That could work too.

The only reason I suggested the person “running” the game send out the cards via pm was because these types of games can take a while and it would be easier for one person to track the decks. This way the players can still feel free to use their real decks in face to face games and not have to worry about keeping a deck off to side to maintain their hand, discard, and draw decks.

Why not use a google doc to track each player’s deck? Allow anyone to view but only the players to edit.
The deck compositions are already out in the wild so to speak so you could list the decks alphabetically and then just use a die roll server to roll a d40 every time you needed to draw a card. Using a spreadsheet to track where each card is and, if need be, which cards are on the bottom/top of each deck wouldn’t be hard.