
So, RC playtesters, how’s it going? Everything working out well, or are there some noticeable kinks that need to be worked out? No details, obviously, but just a general statement of progression?

I made the mistake of thinking Spite would be simple, and attempted to take him on with two heroes (specifically, Mr. Fixer and Expatriette). Without saying too much, it didn’t turn out so well.

From what I’ve seen so far, there are very few kinks that need working out. I’ve seen 3 of the 4 villains so far and they all have cool, new mechanics. The Chairman is particularly my favorite. The environments and heroes are also cool and different.

My biggest problem with the Rook City cards is that I can’t fit them into the box where I store the core game cards and dice.

Going great so far I think. Good communication back and forth. Spite is a nasty man. So nasty… And just when I thought he was bad I am now setting my sights on Plague Rat. How back could he be? He’s just a silly rat man. Yeah, a silly rat man who basically gutted me. The kickstarter pic with him clawing through Bunker’s armor I’m pretty sure came from my game. He is not a nice rat.

keep the torture coming for us non-playtesters. :o :-\ ;D

Just be happy that aren’t talking about the awesomeness in the new heroes. The video Christopher made describing their mechanics was really dead on with how little details it seemed to provide.

The Matriarch has to be one of my new favorite villains. You see, her deck is interesting becauCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW

foxtrot2620, that is the most accurate description I have ever read of The Matriarch!

hahahaha! Foxtrot, It’s good I was reading this BEFORE anyone else got to work, because I’m pretty sure those giggles would have required explanation.

Foxtrot has successfully made me laugh out loud. I like that description. Bravo! But I don’t mind knowing next to nothing about the new heroes, because just hearing how good they are from the PTs is fun enough. But one question that can be answered:

Does Mr. Fixer use a lot of kung fu/karate type cards? That’s what seems to be heavily implied, but I simply can’t stop envisioning him as being the “Shaft” of SotM. If you all could tell me he’s NOT a loose-cannon renegade vigilante, that will probably stop my misinterpretation of him.

Though if he was a loose-cannon renegade smooth-talking ladies man vigilante, that’d be pretty neat too…

Somewhere between Shaft and Miyagi. His smooth-talkingness or lack thereof does not appear to be addressed in the cards.

He is a man of VERY few words. And at his age, who could blame him?

Mr Fixer is the duck that quacks in the night! A totally cool Hero though and fun to play as well.

Did you mean the duck that flaps in the night? or are you refering to something else entirely?

I could be or maybe I was just misstating it on purpose. Either way it works.

Shaft and Miyagi? I can dig it. I’m very excited to play as him. But more excited about Expatriette. I won’t say too much, because not much has been planned, but since my friends and I have a hobby of making movies (being a film major of course), and since we’ve got some decent quality equipment, we’ve been tossing around the idea of making a short action movie with Expatriette as the main character. That’s all I’ll say.

Blah… seems I got it wrong too (kept feeling off). I was thinking of “the terror that flaps in the night.”

Do I live close enough to you (I’m in Indy) to be in this movie?!

Uhm… Ditto.