Poor printing for Infernal Relics

Anyone else thinks that the printing for Infernal Relics is extremely poor?

  • Cards too "yellow". I mean, look at Unity's skin!
  • Card borders inconsistent. Look at AA and NM, their borders are way too narrow. Look at Horus Ra, left and right borders uneven.
  • Bleeding text. All the text are not sharp at all. They don't even look original. To me, they look like cheap knock-offs ripped and printed in China. Compare with Rook City and 1st Ed and you can see the different. Hurts my eyes to read the text now.
  • Just for completeness, the different card sizes in 2nd Ed and the box that don't fit the cards.

I understand that these do not affect gameplay, but they speak of extremely poor production value.

I have to say I am extremely disappointed with the production of IR. I'd rather have 1st Ed thin stock cards and have better colours and sharpness.

I'm not saying GtG is to blame, but I think they've been played out by their printer. If it is even possible on a business level, I will reject the entire batch of goods and demand for a full reprint.

It is better to publish high quality products than to rush a poorly produced product to the market.

I did not notice this in my copy

Well, they were printed in China.  Of course, of what you stated, the only thing I noticed were the weird borders (some thinner than others, some uneven).

Most of what you mention hasn't been reported by anybody else. The slightly uneven borders, as well as the miscut cards in enhanced edition are known. If you have the miscut enhanced edition cards, contact GTG and they'll send you a replacement.

As for the colours being too yellow, that's entirely subjective, unless your cards are different to everyone else's. I suggest taking a photo to show us what you mean. Likewise with the bleeding text, nobody has reported that before.

And the enhanced edition box not fitting the cards? What? Again, not a problem I've read about before. What do you mean?

There was talk during the Kickstarter that the core and both expansions, the two promo decks, and all promo Character cards could fit in the EE box sleeved.  As many Multiversizens have discovered (myself included), there is a very particular size of sleeve that will fit the entire set.  Penny sleeves do not work, and that is kind of a bummer.  I'm only down ten or twelve bucks, but I would've loved to know how important an extra 1/8th of an inch or so would be on those sleeves.

As for the yellow-ness of Unity's skin colour, I refer you to these links on BGG.

Kickstarter image: http://boardgamegeek.com/image/1301929/sentinels-of-the-multiverse-unity-hero-character

Scan of actual card: http://boardgamegeek.com/image/1444321/sentinels-of-the-multiverse-unity-hero-character

For the fuzzy text, I will try to take a few pictures with Rook City and 1st Ed for comparisons later.

That second link/image should probably read "scan of actual card". My physical copy of Unity is fine.

My physical copy has that same shade of yellow as the scan of actual card.

Pardon my camera skills. I printed out the kickstarter image, took a picture of the printed kickstarter image side by side with the physical card, then overlay the softcopy kickstarter image on the right.


Actually, they made no such claim on the card sleeves. They said they would all fit without sleeves, and the EE would fit with sleeves.

Huh.... I never realized Unity was from The Simpsons.

I just thought she was Asian = /

Yeah, I'd agree that the extra yellow looks like bad printing.

Yeah, my batch has highly saturated colors too, I was pointing it out as a pro and a con when I got my box. I need to check if I have a Simpson Unity, I think I might since seeing her scan from the kickstarter looks "wrong" to me.

The problem being that with penny sleeves they fit vertically, but not horizontally.  That is a problem regardless of how many cards are in the box.  I don't think their intention was to have the cards stand upright in the box making it unable to be fully closed.  It will, in fact, fit every single card in the main set and both expansions sleeved, but they have to stand upright in order for it to work.  The issue is that it is very hard finding sleeves that will fit.

For me they hardly fit without sleeves, I'm kind of worried about damaging the cards just by keeping them in the box. Luckily sleeving would be kind of pointless anyway, since the cutting of many of my cards is kind of sloppy too, with corners already looking like I played the game unsleeved for years :P

Now that I've actually compared my physical unity to the kickstarter image, yes, I have the same 'yellowness'. I too had assumed it was intended.

I have also noticed the overbright colours and high contrast on many cards (much of Fanatic's deck has this issue), I had again assumed that this was intended, as I assumed GTG would have received proofs and approved them. Certainly they would have seen all the cards while they've been demoing with the new sets, and we haven't heard any comment about the printing from their end.


The >G folks are so busy that I'm amazed they ever have time to read the forums at all, much less tell us much about what's going on. Paul's got a day job and a baby. Adam has to do ALL THE ART. Christopher does all or most of the shipping and networking. Ever sent a package? Imagine doing that 1000 times, plus all of the online orders and distributor orders. And they're all working on game design and attending cons and creating kickstarter rewards and getting play mats printed and on and on and on. 

I definitely don't blame anyone but the printers for any issues that may arise. After all >G has been extremely helpful for anything that I've contacted with. For a three man company they have an A+ in my book. It's amazing how much effort these guys put into the job, even if it is one they love. 

Oh, I'm not expecting them to reply to every thread or even read most of them. They're definitely busy and under no obligation to do any more than they already are.

just figured that if there was indeed a problem with the colours, that Adam would have noticed, and we might have heard something through the grapevine.


I would have thought so a year ago, when we used to see posts from Adam, Paul, and Christopher regularly.