I know it is still a few months away, but can we preorder Shattered Timelines? I missed out on the kick starter (literally by a few days) and would like to be in the early wave of those getting the next expansion. I want to be sure to have it for my son's birthday. Especially since I didn't plan ahead enough to have SotM in time for Christmas. Thanks!
I was wondering the same thing but was going to wait another month or two before I asked ....
partially because i'm really excited for it ;) but also might give >G an idea of demand for the print run.
(conversely, I don't know how much of a logistics issue it might be for >G if they don't like tracking stuff with so much advance time or dealing with people who change their minds, etc.)
But, yeah, bottom line, if there is a place to preorder Shattered Timelines, I'd also be interested in such a thing.
I think participating in the kickstarter is sort of like a preorder.
Yes, I agree. Unfortunately I missed the kick starter...unless I don't understand and I can still participate in it. Otherwise a pre-order is all I can do at this point. So 'how can I pre-order?' is the question.
We have decided not to do a "pre-order" for Shattered Timelines per-se (since tracking that through our web store is a huge pain). Instead, we'll just be putting Shattered Timelines (and all the new mini-expansions) up on the web store available for purchase as soon as the shipments come in from the printer. You'll then be able to order the game (though it won't ship out until after we ship out Kickstarter backer rewards).