Promo dividers

Are the promos being sold on the website (specifically newer ones like the scholar) include dividers? Or are they just kickstarter exclusive?

It reads in the product description that it comes with the divider.

They come with a divider! Also, any stores selling them *should* have the dividers as well, though we have heard reports that some haven't gotten them from distributors for some reason.

I received my copies of The Scholar, Miss Information, The Final Wasteland, and Silver Gulch, all these today, with no dividers for them.  I have all the erst from the EE box.  Any way to get these dividers from GTG?


Same here, none of the ones I got at my local gaming store had dividers with them

I just got the four promos (Miss Information, The Scholar, Final Wasteland, and Silver Gulch) from an online store and didn’t get the dividers either. I’d also like to know how I can get these.

Definitely contact the store you got them from. We've been shipping out dividers alongside the mini-expansions decks to both stores and distributors, so they SHOULD have them.

Sadly, I have to report my dividers for the mini-expansions were not included either. Everything else is here. Perhaps when you guys have finished shipping you could let us know how to get copies of the dividers from you. I don't mind paying shipping and such for them. Thanks for an awesome job with an awesome game!

I too just received my promos with no dividers I would def be willing to pay for them

I ordered miss info from miniature market but they don't seem to have the dividers it doesn't even say in product description that any of the promos come with dividers so I doubt I can get hers but I ordered my other promos from cool stuffing and they say that all the promos come with dividers I will find out when I receive them on Monday. I'd def like to buy at least miss infos for GTG if that's possible


I got Final Wasteland from MM because my local shop didn't have it and they didn't send the divider.  I emailed them yesterday and they responded today saying they do have them and shipped it out this afternoon.  So I'd recommend contacting them first before GTG

Awesome thank you


 I ordered from MM also and contacted them about the dividers.  Got an email from them rhis morning saying they'd send them and a notice that they'd shipped this afternoon.


I bought mine from this site and did not get them...


I bought mine from this site and they came will all the dividers, Except unity and ambuscade, which came with the enhanced edition SotM

If you bought your games directly from this site and did not get dividers, definitely send us an email and let us know! We'll send you them right away.


If you got the mini-expansions from Miniature Market or another store, they have dividers and should be sending them out - contact them first, and if they give you any trouble about it, let me know :)