Promo Villains (regular sized cards) for printing

I know the oversized promo villain cards are available on BGG, but since I don't have any of the non-promo oversized cards I'd obviously prefer the smaller cards.

Does anyone know if these are available anywhere to print?

EDIT: I'm talking about Mad Bomber Baron Blade and Cosmic Omnitron.




you wanted the smaller cards


no, i do not believe the promo villians even /have/ a smaller card.

Huh? The promo decks have a normal-sized card that comes with them, don't they?

I mean Mad Bomber Blade and Cosmitron, not the mini-expansion villains - as you say, they come with the decks. :)

Unity, scholar, Miss information and all should be considered Mini Expansions, rather than Promo cards


The Promo cards are specifically like Mad Bomber Blade, Team Leader Tachyon, ect which are just single cards, and only available through the kickstarters or at conventions for Sentinel Points. (Well MBB is in the Oversized Villain pack :P)


Baron Blade and Cosmic Omnitron made up four of the six promo cards (with Beard Ra and Redeemer Fanatic) that were first made available during the EE/IR Kickstarter and were later made available at cons via Sentinels Points. They may have also been made available during the ST Kickstarter, though I don't recall for sure. I think they are no longer available from >G.


Don't know if anyone has uploaded front/back pictures of them for printing – it's not something I've paid much attention to.

MBB and Cosmic Omni are both still available as the oversized villians in the Oversized villain pack (been selling those all weekend! :P) but i didnt know if they ever came as small cards or not.

Small cards definitely exist - I know Ronway has them at least.

Honestly, I don't really want the oversized villain cards. As cool as they are, they don't fit neatly in the box (currently all my cards are in the EE box and the tokens are in a small plastic snaplock sandwich box), and I'm too OCD to entertain the thought of having some cards in one box and some cards in another.

I'd just like promo villains that match with the heroes and villains I have already, but it seems like that isn't going to happen. :(

Mildly related -- Did you all know that there's an image of Baron Blade available on the GtG site which, by default, only shows a bit, but if you dig a bit you can see the whole image?





So you're saying that all this time Baron Blade has been hiding in plain sight?!?!?!
