In the course of sleeving my copy of Shattered Timelines, I noticed that there's a discrepancy between the damage that the Roused side of The Dreamer deals to the heroes. On the small card, it says she deals H-2 damage, while the oversized card says H-1. Which of them is the proper number?
That's an excellent question.
In the past, if there have been any errors (Dawn, Omnitron, Voss) it was on the big card, so I'd guess that H-2 is correct.
Sounds right to me. And makes her slightly less of a terror after she flips.
That's really frustrating. I apologize for the error.
The Dreamer's standard size villain character cards are correct: the damage should be H minus 2.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Man, she whipped me last night, and this change... wouldn't have changed anything. She's rough, and I wasn't even playing advanced. (Too scared to.) I love this fight!
There is another discrepancy...on the box copy it says non villain the big card it says hero target...this makes a big difference fOr the environment
EDIT: I don't have the cards in front of me, so there may be user error at work here
Hello all,
Yeah the two mistakes for the oversized villain cards for Shattered Time Lines are as follows:
Oversized The Dreamer: Roused from Slumber
“At the end of the villain turn, the Dreamer deal each hero target H minus 1 Psychic damage.”
Regular The Dreamer: Roused from Slumber
“At the end of the villain turn, the Dreamer deals each non-Villain target H minus 2 Psychic Damage.”
Oversized La Capitan:Split Across Time
“Advanced: The first time La Capitan would be dealt damage each turn, redirect that damage to the Non-Villain target with the highest HP.”
Regular La Capitan:Split Across Time
“Advanced: The first time La Capitan would be dealt damage each round, redirect that damage to the Non-Villain target with the highest HP.”
That one really is a huge difference.
All in all my Brother’s dream team of Legacy, Tachyion, Visionary and Mr. Fixer went 3-0 versus Advanced Iron Legacy, Advanced Dreamer and Advanced Miss Information last night. We had a hard time deciding who was harder between Iron Legacy and Dreamer. Iron Legacy seemed far more potent, but after deciding to leave him on his starting side until we could kill him in one round of hero turns, made it far simpler then when we first started chipping away at him. However, keeping Dreamer alive in certain Environments can be horrible. In our games Iron Legacy did manage to take out Legacy on his final Villain Turn, but Dreamer had just about everyone on their last legs.
I'm very surprised to hear this, Dreamer has been a cake walk every time I've played her. I've only played her with 3 heros so maybe thats why but in my experience she is the easiest villian of this expansion by far. La Capitan has been the worst for me and my group.
We've fought the Dreamer twice now and not had too much trouble. The first time we fought her I was playing Chrono Ranger and made great use of the "Whole Gang" bounty (I think it's that one), in which when the chosen target leaves play, you can destroy a target with four or fewer hp. Was able to take out several projections two at a time that way, which was cool :).
I played against Miss Information time, trivially easy, the other...a horror show that was more scary than iron legacy
Again we only played her once, and it was on Advanced in Silver Gulch. With Explosive carts and trigger happy Environment cards, preventing Dreamer from eating 6 points of damage, while flipping her and than killing 8 more projections was difficult. I ate a ton of damage for Dreamer. I fully expect her to be far easier on other environments that don't hit everything or target the lowest (or second lowest) non-environment card in play.
On the other hand, I don't see Iron Legacy being much more difficult in any environment, Keeping him on his initial side, until you can drop the rest of the damage in one turn seems to be the smart play.
I look forward to taking on La Capitan and Kismet next. The only sadness I have for the set is seeing that Crono Ranger doesn't seem built for beating Plague Rat (whom I still find to be one of the toughest Villains). He seems to be wonderful for minions, and multi target environments, but not quite as useful on a single target foe. Hopefully, I'm wrong as I haven't played with him yet, as we were continuing on my Brother's quest to see if his favorite team make-up can go undefeated against all the Villains on advanced.
I’ve managed to defeat Iron Legacy within three rounds every time I’ve played against him, while playing advanced.
I feel Chrono-Ranger is almost ideal for single target takedown. If he plays a couple or more bounties and focuses fire, any target within his cross hairs is going down quickly. Almost all of his one-shots give him, in essense, his base power to use, The Ultimate Target can give him three or more powers in a full round...I mean, his damage can get crazy with just a few cards out. That seems pretty well suited to taking out Plague Rat.
Yeah - haven't done that fight myself yet, either, but stack all six bounties on Rat and have the Masadah equipped and that's seven irreducible damage per hit right there (one per bounty plus Nemesis bonus) more if you have further buffs from, for example, Legacy and a few Obsidian Fields.
Not to mention the +2 from Ultimate Target and... I don't have Rook City, but when does Infection trigger? Because if it damages the heroes on their turns, then you can deal that 7+ damage each and every hero turn... that sounds delightful! :D
Chrono-Ranger and Plague Rat rip each other apart. It's great.
I did briefly think of Infection triggering, but that's the hero damaging themselves so wouldn't be affected by the Ultimate Target bounty on Plague Rat :(. Also, I missed a count in that last post - it'd be nine irreducible damage per hit - one for each of the six bounties, one for Nemesis bonus, and one for the Ultimate Target and…that other bounty (By Any Means?) with their "target takes +1 damage" properties :D. If you added in Hunter and Hunter, that'd be another +6 damage (one for each bounty), so fifteen damage per hit! Of course, Chrono Ranger would be pretty buggered himself with that latter card in play (especially if Infected), but I suppose it'd be something to save for the end when the damage bonus versus Rat would be as high as you could get it in order to finish him off ASAP before Jim went down…
I only played Chrono Ranger once (advanced ms info) but I found it really hard to get nough damage to crack her damage resistance...even with the messah, it took several turns to get the damage to a point that trading blows was worth it. Could have been a bad draw....but unity, Chrono, tachyon, and nightmist got crushed.
We won, but it was really really ugly and relied on the following formula.
Villain goes, deals no damage to night mist, then blows up mist form
Dead tachyon fetches mist form.
Dead unity allows night mist to play a card for set up/card draw
Night mist goes to deal damage, then redirects the backlash damage to MI
Dead Chrono lets NM replay mist form.
Rinse. Repeat.
Ultimately, killer irradiated rats mauled the shit out of her.
The Masadah 15 damage per attack is good, but using his compound bow you can get it up to iirc 20 per power use.
20 on plague rat, yeah.