Punish the Weak does more damage to the weakest target on the board
When Punish the Weak is used with Taiaha (2 targets, 3 damage each), would damage to the first target kill that target before the second target is hit? Would you get the Punish the Weak bonus to both Taiaha targets in this situation?
No more than one target can be targeted at a time. Whenever it would appear that more than one target is being targeted, the players decide which one is targeted first. That action is treated as a single action until it is resolved, at which time the next chosen action will be applied. Choosing which is targeted first can effect what actually takes place. E.g. a card that attacks everyone can have it attack one person first, allowing retaliation, causing the attacker to be destroyed, and thus being unable to continue any more attacking. Or one could use Punish the Weak to first attack one weak opponent, upon destorying said target another target becomes the weakest when making the second attack.