Purple symbol

Does the purple symbol on the various previewed cards indicate energy?

Also, are there techs or boosts that will move the Opposition flagship? Because if I'm reading things correctly, it looks like the Singularity will have difficulty overrunning three Sectors, because the Travel ability on the Singularity actually moves other Opposition Ships away from the outlying sectors.



But, from my limited understanding of the rules, wouldn't that make overrunning sectors easier? If all the ships gather together it could be a formidiable force to counter-act

Yeah, but that would make a single Sector easy to overrun, leaving the others devoid of Opposition ships.  There must be some as-yet-unseen rule or effect which will keep things more balanced.

Looking at things further, it's not actually unseen. The Singularity plays all Station cards in its Sector at the start of the Aftermath phase (in addition to any other cards that are played by unengaged ships). If the Sector is already at its fleet limit, any new ships would be deployed to one of the other two sectors, if I'm reading the rules preview correctly.

You are. Also remember you lose if all the SF ships are grounded, and you can’t win unless you take out the Flagship.


Once it is on the field. If you were somehow able to clear all smaller ships before the flagship enters play you win, correct?


It is also worth noting that the Opposition side of many of the Station cards move Opposition ships around as well, so this keeps them fairly well distributed.