question on reach

hey everyone,

new to board. but long time lurker. decided to finally join. Had a rule question come up in my head that I wanted to clarify.


Lets say bunker is standing on a elevation 4. Baron Blade is on an elevation 3. there is one hex inbetween them that is elevation 1. Do they still see each other to attack or no. The reason I ask is because in the rule book it says if there is an elevation change inbetween the characters then they dont see each other. However if you think about it If I am standing on a building and you are standing on a building across the street we can see each other if we are both on the edge.

Yes they can. The only reason they wouldn't be able to see each other is if there was an elevation 4 between you both. Both characters must be on a value greater than any obstructing elevations to see past it. So even though a 4 is equal to 4, the 3 is too low. But in your case, they can see each other perfectly fine, even if Bunker was on a 1 and Blade was on a 4.

well thats good news. That means I have been playing that wrong. lol

Easiest way to think about line of sight is that, if there is a hex between the two characters that has an elevation higher than either character, they do not have line of sight.

And welcome to the forums! Glad to have you! :grin:

Welcome to the forums!