Quick question on triceratops (Time Cataclysm)

This came up in a recent game. I'm pretty sure we ruled correctly, but thought I'd check.

Triceratops deals damage "to the target other than itself with the second highest HP".

Does this mean: i) In the set of all targets excepting the triceratops, the target with the second lowest HP, OR ii) In the set of all targets, the target with the second lowest HP that is not the triceratops.

Example: Triceratops 8 HP, HeroA 10 HP, HeroB 12 HP.

Option i) HeroB takes damage. Option ii) HeroA takes damage

We ruled i), but the players brought up the question, so I figure I'd check for consensus.

The Triceratops does not count at all. So "in the set of all targets excepting the triceratops" (Same rule for T-rex and any other card worded "other than itself"_

Yeah, that wording is a way to make it so that it doesn't hurt itself, and it usually won't hurt the villain (who likely has the most hp), so it'll usually but not always be the hero w/the highest hp.  But there's a chance that it won't hit the hero with the most hp, so it's more interesting.