Quick Reference Sheet

I played a lot of SotM over the weekend, and it forced me to come to a startling conclusion -- there are an awful lot of characters to choose from when deciding who to play.  Our usual method of digging through the box and looking at character cards or card boxes to see who to play or fight against (and where to do it) is getting less efficient, and it often leaves fun alts unplayed.  What I felt I really needed was a quick reference sheet showing all the characters, including alts, side by side so that I can compare my choices.  Since such a quick reference sheet doesn't exist, I made one myself.

It's two pages, heroes on one and villains + environments on the other.  I printed it out, taped them back-to-back, and tossed it in my box so that next time I'm sitting down to play, I can look at a single sheet to see what my choices are.  If that sounds like something you'd like too, feel free to grab it from my site.

I just took out all the hero character cards and put them together, and I have all my giant villain cards in a big stack, so when we're picking we just look through those.


There are only 12 environments so far, so that's a lot easier to look through.

Sounds like we do the same thing, McBehrer. The set we usually play with has all the hero character cards (including alts) as a deck that we sort through and/or shuffle to pick our hero. Same with the large villain cards.

Really like what you created, though, Spiff! I'm going to bring it to the next session to see if we use it. Thanks!