replacement cards...

I just got my kickstarter stuff (great job by the way) and only got the upgrade box instead of the entire enhanced core set.   Now I am eager to replace those revamped singles in the various decks.   Is there a way to put together a replacement card set that is just the ones altered when the enhanced ed came out?  I could manually go through and pick them but if there was a already pre-constructed set put together that would be awesome! :-)



Remember the card stock will have different thickness.

yeah i just noticed that on the new cards (i got the rook city reprint with the kickstarter).   I am just regreting not buying the enhanced ed. In my head the upgrade box came with the cards that were altered.  Looking back there is nothing that says that but it got stuck in my head that way LOL.   I guess I can print the PDF revisions on sticker paper and mount those on the original cards. That would work in a pinch.


You can still go ahead with the entire 4 decks of environments with new artworks. Card stock dont matter if you're ordering the whole deck.

oh well after looking at everything it looks like it will be cheaper to just buy the core set again and toss the upgrade box. :-(  

Hindsight is 20/20, right  LOL