Request- Promo Bomber and Omnitron

>Games have previously uploaded all their promo heroes, backs and fronts, to BGG but not the 2 promo villains, or at least not in their regular sized form- the oversized ones have been uploaded.


Would some kind person be generous enough to scan in their copies of the ordinary card sized promos, both character cards and rules text, for those of us without to print out and put into our regular decks with sleeves?

I can't really help with the regular sized cards (I missed the promos by about a month), but if you want oversized villan cards, spiff has all the villians including promo blade and omni on his site for dl and print.

If you buy the oversized Villain pack from the website, it should come with Bomber Blade and Cosmic Omnitron. At least mine for the Kickstarter did.

Not trying to hijack the thread, but where are the other promos uploaded?

You can get the oversized ones on BoardGameGeek, in the galleries for these particular expansions BB & Omni or from the PDFs on Spiff's site (already linked above).

But I'm still looking for the card sized ones, I have boxes for the individual decks so the oversized ones don't fit.


EDIT: Unless you were talking about the hero promos, they all have individual pages on BGG too. Link to Sentinels 'family' page, which list all the expansions and promos

I have the regular-sized cards for those two. I can try and scan them tonight if I don't get in too late and remember to do so. I imagine since the other promos have been posted in several places, >Games wouldn't really have a problem with these two as well, right?

Matchstickman, you are a hero. Thanks.


Most of the recent promos aren't on BGG. There are the sample images from the Kickstarter campaign, but there aren't card backs or even card fronts with the final wording.