I think that a few Abilities need to be reclassified or be more explicit in their definitions.
- Living Bomb (from Sorcerer Archetype): “Destroy one d6 or d8 minion. Roll that minion’s die as an Attack against another target.” I think this should be a Reaction or Inherent Ability because of the “If you do action A, then effect B follows” structure of the definition. There is no required power use for the ability and seems to closely resemble Wild Strength (Nature Power Source), a Reaction Ability or Endurance Fighting (Red Physical Ability), an Inherent Ability.
- Attune (from Extradimensional Power Source): “Boost yourself using [power]. That bonus is persistent and exclusive. Damage dealt using that bonus is all [energy/element].” Does that mean that you have to take that energy/element as one of your powers, or is it just a byproduct of your boost? I haven’t found any other ability that might require two powers to use it.
- Reality Scorned (from The Multiverse Power Source): “Attack using [power]. If your target survived, Hinder them using your Max die.” Shouldn’t this Ability include Hinder in its icon?
I would be interested in hearing other people’s thoughts on these issues.