Whenever I play with my friends, it seems a foregone conclusion that at least one of us ends up incapacitated. If this occurs near the end of the battle, all is well and good, btu occasionally, this happens mid, or even early game. This results in the incapacitated hero basically kicked out of the game, left to do nothing but watch, wait, and be bored until the rest of us win or lose. Of course, the incapacitated powers of a hero provide some small modicum of participation, but more often than not, the choice becomes that of the surviving team, not of the incap-ed hero.
Whenever we are faced with such a situation, my friends ask me (as the SotM Gamemaster in my group of friends) if there is any way at all to bring them back in the game. A resurrect option, if you will (ala Left4Dead, where even if you die, there is a chance to be found and revived later, if with immensely crappy weapons.). I have actually brought this up before in another thread, but I think it'd be better with it's own :)
My first suggestion is this (Option A):
A surviving teammate skips their entire turn, start and end of the turn included, to bring back an incapacitated hero with 5HP. The revived hero, in turn, has a choice: trash their entire hand, but keep all cards they have in play (equipment, on-goings), OR shuffle all cards they have in play and in their hands back into the deck, then draw a new hand of 4 cards. Play proceeds normally.
Mind you, this is still rather rough. I want to find the perfect trade off between cost of reviving, benefits of being revived, simplicity of the mechanic (I'm not a big fan of effects that last throughout the game), and of course, the fun factor (which is the most important, in my opinion). I chose 5HP as the revived HP because it's low enough that the heroes don't get an undue advantage, but high enough that they can still survive two rounds with the baddie. Thematically, it could be that the hero's gear was able to block that final hit, or else that the hero was woken up by a teammate, all gear intact, but groggy and still confused, hence the trashed hand.
Another option, this time suggested by a friend, is this (Option B):
A surviving teammate skips their entire turn, start and end of the turn included, to bring back an incapacitated hero for 10HP. The revived hero keeps all cards in play and in their hand at the time of their incapacitation, but from then on deals one less damage (-1 damage dealt) and receives one more damage (+1 damage received).
This option allows the revived hero to stay longer, so that they really are back in the game and not just in it for another round or so, but at the same time provides a mechanical disadvantage to that hero forevermore. It also allows the hero to just get back in to help immediately. Thematically, it could be the hero getting back in the game, but injured and thus less effective and more likely to go down again.
A final option was suggested, putting the two together (Option C)
A surviving teammate skips their entire turn, start and end of the turn included, to bring back an incapacitated hero for 10HP. The revived hero chooses: trash their entire hand, but keep all cards they have in play, OR shuffle all cards in play and in their hands into the deck, then draw 4 cards. For the rest of the game, the hero has (-1 damage dealt) and (+1 damage received).
Of the three, this is the one I favor most. The increase in HP is offset by the debuffs received by the hero.
An alternate cost to reviving a person would be for ALL the surviving heroes to skip their turns to revive one incap-ed hero.
What do you guys think?